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  1. ezTaz

    Possible cop trouble.

    no i took care of everything first. got all the plants moved, all the equipment moved. called 3 police departments nobody knows why they were looking for me. I guess I will just wait it out, and ask for a lawyer when I feel like a suspect
  2. ezTaz

    Possible cop trouble.

    Really the only thing I can think of, I sold a few "hot" items on ebay recently. Id really rather not go down to the station but I dont want to sit here and wait either. If Im not home can they come in? Plus the new MW3 should be here in about 2 hours, fuck
  3. ezTaz

    Possible cop trouble.

    Thats what they told the Jews in Germany and look how that ended
  4. ezTaz

    Possible cop trouble.

    So I got woken up about 30 minutes ago by my landlord calling me telling me the police called him and were looking for me. Now I'm not sure what it is about exactly, but obviously Id rather them not see my grow op. So my question is, they cant come in at all without a warrant? Or if they come...
  5. ezTaz

    Cannabis Cup 2012- Any one wanna come with?

    Dude lets all just save like $1000 a day for 5 days and then we can go? much quicker
  6. ezTaz

    About Last Night

    Im not really sure what this post is about? Sounds like you got 99 problems but no bitches. Try huffin that paint thinner
  7. ezTaz

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    You guys seen the Rucka Rucka Ali youtube parodys? theyre all pretty funny
  8. ezTaz

    Battlefield 3

    They fixed a lot of things from the beta. Its actually a pretty solid game. I recommend at least a rental
  9. ezTaz

    What are some of your favorite quotations +Rep for originality

    "We're paratroopers, lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded." ~ CPT Dick Winters, E/506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division "Wars aren't won by dying for your country. They're won by making the other son of a bitch die for his."
  10. ezTaz

    Battlefield 3

    add me if you got a mic (ez Taz) im the shit :D
  11. ezTaz

    Attitude Seed Bank T-Shirt

    haha why dude? It doesnt say anything about smoking or anything drug related. Im 3/3 wearing that shirt to the bar and picking up a chick. They must love attitude
  12. ezTaz

    Attitude Seed Bank T-Shirt

    Im not sure gay is a good way to describe the American flag. Ever
  13. ezTaz

    Attitude Seed Bank T-Shirt

    Damn that one sounds sweet too
  14. ezTaz

    Attitude Seed Bank T-Shirt

    This is the one I got, its a Large I dont know if that makes a difference on the style, but its now one of my favorite shirts
  15. ezTaz

    First grow, first journal (Acid, Nebula, Purple Haze and Royal Dwarf)

    Thanks man I appreciate all that information, im going to try today and begin the scrog process. Just not sure how I should do it at this point. But I need to, I noticed the bottom leaves on the Nebula plant are very droopy, is that lack of light?
  16. ezTaz

    First grow, first journal (Acid, Nebula, Purple Haze and Royal Dwarf)

    damn here we are 9 days later. The royal dwarf has been growing pretty crazy. I'd say its a pretty unique strain. The others have been growing good also. Im just really wishing I used a better soil. 1. Nebula 2. Acid 3. Royal Dwarf 4.Purple Haze Let me know what you think!
  17. ezTaz

    Getting Your Dick Sucked By A Smack Whore???

    thats the spirit
  18. ezTaz

    First grow, how should I do it?

    18/6 Grow em natural dude. Check out my signature it sounds like close to what youre gonna do.
  19. ezTaz

    Getting Your Dick Sucked By A Smack Whore???

    They make the best girlfriends too, theyre highly dependent chicks who wont ever leave you. You can just keep them in a small room in your house and only use when needed. Like a Roomba
  20. ezTaz

    Growing Nebula, Purple Haze, Royal Dwarf and Acid. 400MH and Soil

    check it out guys I appreciate any feedback and criticism