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  1. F

    Feeling duped?

    So after the "its all about a movie " fiasco, are you lefties feeling kinda dumb cuz your hero lied to everyone? Obama lied, 4 Americans died. Oh, and just for Allah they raped the embassador... In the name of peace N all
  2. F

    just wondering who buys what the whitehouse is handing out

    just curious who really believes that the killings of us diplomats was "in reaction to a movie"? and also would like to hear your inputs on hillary saying that our first amendment was to blame. also, did you know the fbi took custody of the film maker and put him under the bright light for a...
  3. F

    priceless green energy once again another "greenie" disaster. they truly are the gift that just keeps giving.
  4. F

    well there goes healthcare...

    so they suspended the program. hmmm, conservatives kept telling them it wouldnt work, but i didnt think it would crumble so early. stupid lib bastards.:dunce:
  5. F

    fearmonger much?

    so the city is out of money, and rather than looking into costs of cops, and city union workers, pensions, the first thing they are gonna do is "stop prosecuting domestic violence. really? seriously...
  6. F

    modern day liberal....pussy. this is what the liberal party has become. shouting down 20 year old girls. if i was at that bar i would have beat the piss out of this pussy. fucking gutless pussies.
  7. F

    nah, keynesian is awesome... please give us more "investment" please? i am asking nicely....
  8. F

    solyndra economy

    just listening to paul gigot on tv and he made a brilliat point solyndra IS the obama economic model, keynesian for the slow people. the whitehouse gave them 500 million bucks. throwing money at them thinking that it would automatically create jobs. MAJOR FAIL it is in direct parallel...
  9. F

    let the libs hike

    a buddy sent me this video and i found it "enlightening" and hilarious. preach on brother!
  10. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    can we do this in red square just like the chinese? all the people gathered together and stretching together. this is so cool. i cant wait until someone has a heart attack or breaks a leg while excercising and sues the fuck out of this little commie bastard. who the fuck do these libs...
  11. F

    peace loving muslims at it again engage sarcasm....the radicals of the muslim community are such a small minority. disengage sarcasm really? so the state of iran, about 100 million, which has a policy of...
  12. F

    this should be interesting i find the whole thing hilariously ironic. being as whites kicked the indians out, now the indians kick the blacks out.
  13. F

    i got your green energy....hangin as usual, this is what it takes to keep this nonsense green energy bullshit afloat (thank you algore) special, perks, favors, backrubs...
  14. F

    excellent george will article
  15. F

    no inflation here and jobs everywhere all you gotta do is give the big eared one 500 billion more and he can fix this mess. hopefully this puts a knife in the heart of the whole keynsian bullshit forever. but...
  16. F

    hillarious aussies

    the quote "The similarities between Gillard and Obama are striking. Both are trailblazers -- Australia’s first female leader, the U.S.’s first black one" i just thought it was funny source...
  17. F

    i am guessing christians and tea baggers
  18. F

    more brutal teabaggers oh, nevermind. just more unions thugs. this time holding hostages. yep, hoffa was just telling them to vote..... but you gotta watch the violent teabaggers...i am sure they are ready to strike. let the...
  19. F

    pre debate analYsis

    wow, hardball is off the hook. fucking funny. totally out of touch but hilarious non the less. rick perry looks toooooo GW. but gw hates him so. just interested if anyone is watching pre shows. i just pray one of these fuckers makes some sense. we cant take too much more of this...
  20. F

    tea bag thuggery!

    oh, wait.....we were TOLD that the teabaggers were violent but as it turns out, its just the thugs at the unions threatening war. sorry for the inconvenience. its just...