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  1. J

    i cant send any messages. your inbox is full

    i cant send any messages. your inbox is full
  2. J

    medical cannabis for ibs

    i was excited to see more replies to the thread..but none of them have nothing to do with ibs..:sad: im sure the topic is a good one but wasnt what i was looking for..
  3. J

    do you know any thing about nausea and stomach pains and qualify for a card? :)

    do you know any thing about nausea and stomach pains and qualify for a card? :)
  4. J

    medical cannabis for ibs

    severe nausea and Intractable pain from ibs seems like to would fit the qualifying list...?
  5. J

    medical cannabis for ibs

    does anyone here have a card for ibs?
  6. J

    medical cannabis for ibs

    i was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome yesterday...i 've had stomach pains and nausea for over a year, but this was my first visit to the doctor in years. my doctor isnt pro cannabis, is this one visit enough of a medical record to abtain my medical card if i make an appointment with a...