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  1. G

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    i use neem oil once every 3 weeks and stop using it 3 weeks before harvest! this seems to work best for me, i use to pick them out by hand and thats a pain! since i started using neem oil i have no more pests
  2. G

    Plants turning lime green YIKES !!!!!!! HELP

    i have the same problem most are a nice deep green but 2 are turning pale green almost yellowish, hope someone knows whats up, i need a fix too
  3. G

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    i use neem oil once evey 3 weeks! i stop using it 3 weeks before harvest, seems to do the trick
  4. G

    Anyone wana take the 'Evian Challange' with me?

    sounds like someone has stock in evian!
  5. G

    Anyone wana take the 'Evian Challange' with me?

    evian spelled backwards is naive
  6. G

    my plant is turning light green,real pale! what is wrong

    its in fox farm soil outside, veg state, using cns nutes, 6.5 ph
  7. G

    my plant is turning light green,real pale! what is wrong

    i have a plant about 4 feet tall it was a nice deep green but in the past couple of weeks its getting light green. lime green now but i dont want it to turn yellow, help!