Search results

  1. M

    Too much air / Too little humidity

    just put a T in the duct after the fan and redirect some back into room...for added moisture have the recirculating duct blow air acrossed the humidifier.
  2. M

    Horizonal or Vertical Bulb?

    Need to get some info/opinions on whether to go with a vertical bulb or horizonal bulb? Looking for best light distribution in a 48" x 48" x 6' area.
  3. M

    Start of Male Stigs on Hermy

    Here are pics of early male stigmas on a bud. Hope this helps some people out on what to look for.
  4. M

    Get an Opinion? or 2

    This pretty is 45 days into bud and 72 days from seed. Just wanted some feed back on when to cut....;-)