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  1. abandonconflict

    Is the national debt relevant?

    And why?
  2. abandonconflict

    Debt Ceiling and Shutdown talk coincides with...

    It seems every few years this subject is trendy. Is it just me or does it only seem to haunt us when there is a blue admin and a red house-majority? Am I wrong? Is the federal gov't being held hostage again by this shit? Are we facing a shut down in June as a threat or not? What does this have...
  3. abandonconflict

    Lockdowns didn't work.

    I still wish my profile would be removed along with all my posts because I spent so many years agreeing with people who turned out to be militant lockdown advocates. But I'm still going to rub it in. Go ahead and tout your dead granny for sympathy, doesn't make you any less wrong, doesn't make...
  4. abandonconflict

    Which old, senile, white, racist rapist do you support?

    Well, Biden's political career, while causing less racial inequity and division than that of Trump, isn't free from it. Also, while he has been acused of rape and while there are many images and video clips of him being a creeper, it's not as bad as that of Trump. I think they're both senile...
  5. abandonconflict

    Nobel Laureate Claims SARS-CoV-2 is manmade.

    Coronavirus created in an attempt to find AIDS vaccine, Nobel laureate claims French virologist and medicine Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier sparked controversy Sunday when he claimed that the virus – officially called SARS-CoV-2 – was not only man-made, but is the result of a Chinese attempt to...
  6. abandonconflict

    Murphy's Law

    In short, it is the hubristic belief that humans can fully control the world around them. Often, the unintended consequences of an action are more impactful than the the intended. Sometimes, those consequences are perversely contrary. Some are serendipitous. As an obvious example, the...
  7. abandonconflict

    active cases above threshhold in the USA

    We're at that baseline that we were supposed to stay under. The whole point of the "flatten the curve" strategy (this is not a thread to bash it) was to keep the rising number of new daily cases low enough to keep the total case number manageable. The idea being that the curve would flatten at a...
  8. abandonconflict

    Sanders fails

    Hopefully Trump will continue being a super-spreader.
  9. abandonconflict

    Where will the next major virus hotspot in the United States be?

    My bet is on Chicago.
  10. abandonconflict

    Ways the Trump administration has bungled the pandemic response.

    This is a list I'm putting together. Feel free to contribute to it. 1) Mixed signals! First it wasn't going to be a problem, then he was doing a fantastic job, now he could never have expected how bad it was going to be...
  11. abandonconflict

    AI surveillance, get used to it?

    OK, I made the other thread and I laid out some arguments in regard to why I believe that lockdowns do not really work. Most people did not agree with me and that's fine. A few people probably have doubts about the viability of the notion of shutting down the economy in order to flatten the...
  12. abandonconflict

    Lockdowns don't work.

    We all believed the CCP when they said that lockdowns would stop SARS-CoV-2 from spreading, since it worked so well for them. But what if it didn't really work as well as they said it did? Furthermore, even if it did work, what if it wasn't even necessary? It doesn't work though...
  13. abandonconflict

    World Health Organization promotes Traditional Chinese pseudo-Medicine.

    The CCP has been coming on strong within the People's Republic of China promoting folk-medicine and alternative therapy to combat the very pandemic that was, by scientific accounts, released into the world as a direct result of the very markets for exotic and endangered wild animals where TCM is...
  14. abandonconflict

    SARS-CoV-2 racial predilection or disparity of comorbid conditions.

    It seems that some of the epidemiological data has begun to point to several conclusions. Here is an article from the New York Times which apparently concludes disparity of comorbidities and not a predilection. Here is a link to a...
  15. abandonconflict

    MBS vs Putin

    Anyone notice the cost of gas is way down? So yeah, Saudi Arabia dn Russia are having a pissing contest. For some reason, people are travelling less. In response, OPEC was trying to stabilize the energy market. Putin saw an opportunity to increase his power in Europe while harming US shale...
  16. abandonconflict

    Yang for VP

    I have come around to his freedom dividend. It's a good idea. Now more than ever. He should be Biden's VP.
  17. abandonconflict

    Boycott China.

    Yet again, the Chinese Communist Party is to blame for mass death. It's time to hold them to account.
  18. abandonconflict

    At this point, criticizing Biden only helps Trump.

    That's fine and it's your right to do so, just know that when a bunch of Bernouts did this to Clinton in 2016 they put Trump in Office. Bernie has all but lost. He's not the leading candidate to go against Trump. The majority do not support him. Your guy is losing, pick a side. Help Trump win or...
  19. abandonconflict

    Will the next president actually pardon Donald Trump?

    Or will Donald face criminal indictment on multiple charges of felony obstruction of justice? I'm on the fence about this one and would like to hear arguments on both sides. It does seem like Trump will have legal trouble for the rest of his life if he's not pardoned. Can he even pardon himself?
  20. abandonconflict

    Bernie Sanders 2024

    Here's how Bernie can still win!