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  1. Homebud

    Mutant pictures??? Bud started growing again! Rep for answer. LOL

    I had just watered and nuted 4 days before. hmmmmmmmmm
  2. Homebud

    Mutant pictures??? Bud started growing again! Rep for answer. LOL

    Yea, kinda has me baffled. She was wellllll into flower and looking great, now she's screwed up. lol
  3. Homebud

    Mutant pictures??? Bud started growing again! Rep for answer. LOL

    I am on 12/12 now... I have clones in the back of the closet with some light on them, but the light is not even reaching 1/3 of the way up the others. Have been on a strict 12/12 since start of flower! ugh
  4. Homebud

    Mutant pictures??? Bud started growing again! Rep for answer. LOL

    Not sure the strain and yes, it is from seed. She was doing great till this week. So should I give her a little dark time?? Maybe decrease the light period? I dont want her going back into veg!! wahhhh. LOL
  5. Homebud

    burned leaves

    I left mine and they fell of naturally. Maybe just me, but I don't want to stop any part of the natural cycle. I had a hard enough time topping! ;)
  6. Homebud

    EyeClops BioniCam -- Best Trichome Shots

    WOW, that's an awesome set of pics. Almost taste it from here!
  7. Homebud

    first grow small bud growth at week 4

    Looks great, WOW, 4 weeks??
  8. Homebud

    For those with a good eye.

    Sexy lady ya got there! Thanks and hope she yields good for you
  9. Homebud

    Does this look ready?

    Thats a great question, I am interested in the answer to this
  10. Homebud

    Mutant pictures??? Bud started growing again! Rep for answer. LOL

    Ok, the first picture is a week ago on the 14th, nice growth and great bud formation. In the past few days I have started getting new growth from the top of the same bud. (2nd and 3rd picture)Thought it was just stretching at first but she's getting new fan leaves!! Is this a normal spurt or...
  11. Homebud

    Clone update.... What strain has this turned into?????

    Exactly F1, unlike the clone mother completely, just odd
  12. Homebud

    Clone update.... What strain has this turned into?????

    As of today I have a 10" plant, all the new growth is without pistils, so I think I was successful at putting her back into veg. Started at 3" and have 7" total growth in just over a week. :) All three others are following suit but a little slower in growth. This is my monster experiment. lol
  13. Homebud

    Clone update.... What strain has this turned into?????

    I did take the clones from a flowering female. Only bottom 3rd has 5 finger leaves. It has grown like 4" total in a week and a half so far. Loving the growth rate but she is holding her own going back into veg state under 24/24
  14. Homebud

    first grow small bud growth at week 4

    Looking good, keep us updated with pics, always love looking at everyones pics!
  15. Homebud

    So how they look? 3 autoflowers.

    Look good, love the little toothpick banners. ;)
  16. Homebud

    Clone update.... What strain has this turned into?????

    Very thick main stem, VERY broad, dark green,defined leaves. Clone MONSTER!!
  17. Homebud

    *noob* is this a male?

    Yep, I have to agree with you whole heartedly there Pb, Sorry