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  1. S

    Thermostat vs Sentinel.... 2 different readings!!!

    Thermostat is reading a temp of 78.8 and humidity of 39/40. But the Sentinel I just put in is reading 70.5 temp and 55 humidity! I tried a 2nd thermostat and it reads close to the 1st thermostat as well. Both thermostats were like $20 so I'm not sure how accurate they really are but I would...
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    Sentinel CHHC-1 question (CO2)

    I have been using CO2 for a little while now. My results have been about a 20-30% increase with just using a regulator with a timer. I also discovered a leak in which more co2 was being released then I realized (still good results with no issues). I had the regulator replaced and now it seems as...
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    FloraDuo vs FloraMicro/Bloom

    Anyone have any personal experience with it? I've always used Micro and Bloom. Wondering if anyone has had any positives or negatives when switching.
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    Bush Master VS Dr Nodes

    Really? Get real man. I already googled it and got no REAL answers. Didn't really find anything about people posting THEIR experience. When I look into a product, I want to find at least 10-15 reviews on it and then decide if it's something I might want to use. Not "my brothers sisters cousins...
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    Bush Master VS Dr Nodes

    I currently use Bush Master but they have now been pulled from the shelves and I can't find any stores that have any left. I found Dr Nodes. Don't know much about it. My searches haven't found much. Anyone have experience with Dr Nodes? Has anyone used BOTH? How did they compare...
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    HydroGEN CO2 Question

    I am now finding that it has a problem with ignition and re-ignition. Any truth to that?
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    HydroGEN CO2 Question

    Anyone have any experience with it? I have access to one but am a lil sketchy of how it works ie propane and water mix. The model I have access to appears to be the older model that runs off batteries. I tried going to Hydro Innovations website but they don't have any info on this model anymore...
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    A/C unit connected to Lights. Any issues?

    That makes no sense to me. The AC should be cooling the entire tent not directly on the lights. How strong is that AC? With a 1k and 600, no reason why a good AC wouldn't cool that tent down to 70-75.
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    Is this mold on my clones?!?!?!?!

    I use the dome. I normally have a 96% success rate on clones with no heat pad. My rooms are always the same. That's why its throwing me a lil off.
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    Is this mold on my clones?!?!?!?!

    This happened in 6 hours! Happened to 2 of them but the other wasn't nearly as bad as this. Now I notice a couple lil spots on like 2 others that have already rooted. Also notice a couple as well in a different clone box. Is it mold?!?!?!?! And what is the best thing for it being that...
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    NSR Greenleaves?

    Any one currently use or have experience with it? Right now I currently the Lucas Formula. After using several different formulas, it seems as though the Lucas Formula has given me the best results and very good quality. But I am NSR gives awesome results. Awesome is better than very good...
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    What Is The Problem?!?! Pics Inside!

    The supposed Caterpillar noms. On ALL 8 plants.
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    What Is The Problem?!?! Pics Inside!

    Bump! Any other ideas?
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    What Is The Problem?!?! Pics Inside!

    That was my initial thought. I have 8 mother plants. Its doing it too all 8 plants. I've searched the hell out of them and don't see anything. Also, why would it stop for a week and start going again?
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    What Is The Problem?!?! Pics Inside!

    These are my mother plants. I've had them for over 6 months starting from clones. This problem started about a May 27th. I sprayed some fungicide and flushed them with only RO water for 4 days and noticed it stopped doing what the first pic shows (like something is eating the fan leaves). Now 2...
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    Sulphur burn question

    No mold. A lil PM.
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    Sulphur burn question

    Do any of you re-burn the sulphur left over from after doing a sulphur burn? If you do, do you grind down the sulphur first? Reason I ask is cuz most people tell me they do but the shop I got it from said he doesn't recommend it cuz of the risk of fire. Kinda doesn't make sense to me but...
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    PM issue and did Sulphur burn but still see PM

    Anyone else that can help?
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    PM issue and did Sulphur burn but still see PM

    Yeah I'm not happy cuz my temp has never gone over 81 and the humidity has gone no higher than 62 1 time. Its usually between 48-56%. I have 3 fans blowing on the plants. I trim all the big fans leaves almost every day. This isn't my first grow but its the first time I've gotten PM and I'm not...