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  1. Skooch

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    Here are photos of the grow as of day 20. 2-Topcat 2-OG Kush 1-Perma Frost I also have 15 seeds from a really great hermed out Pepper Jack growing in Week 4 looking good... any suggestions???
  2. Skooch

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    Wow, the last two grows are incredible... This is my first grow, 5 plants = 2 Topcat, 2 OG Kush, 1 Perma Frost. These are clones that were put directly into flowering just to get things rolling and start learning... I do have a sensei who I am apprenticing for. here are pictures at day 10, they...
  3. Skooch

    Long Time Smoker. First Time Grower

    I've been researching a lot of things lately, and the people at rollitup sound like my kind of people and definitely know what they're talking about. So in light of this I've decided to join the crew. I'm from the 3rd coast and have recently acquired 5 clones (2 Topcat(which seems to be a semi...