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  1. GreenIce

    First Grow : Lemon Skunk Femi from GHS

    No don't give them the 400w yet. It is not a light problem you have it is a root system problem you have like you said. Once your roots catch up you will see the vegetation take off. If you add the 400w now it will be too much for the plants to support that kind of light and it will only...
  2. GreenIce

    sativa wont finish whats going on?

    I also use the water absorption rate of the plant to determine if it is done. In other words if the plant stops drinking it is telling you it is done growing and close to completely done. If it is still drinking like it has since beginning of flowering then keep it going. Looks yummy!
  3. GreenIce

    Hit me up any time you need help with the Lemon Skunks! You can send a private message

    Hit me up any time you need help with the Lemon Skunks! You can send a private message
  4. GreenIce

    First Grow : Lemon Skunk Femi from GHS

    I would actually mix the composted manure with some of the pro mix or whatever it is you are currently using for medium so it does not get too much manure and possibly burn the plant.
  5. GreenIce

    First Grow : Lemon Skunk Femi from GHS

    Add the nutes asap. Very important to add a very mild nutrient solution. The dark stems you have represent a dying stock. Guarantee it is due to lack of water and nutes. You can save them but just make sure if you cant get your hands on that foxfarm stuff that you find something very mild...
  6. GreenIce

    First Grow : Lemon Skunk Femi from GHS

    I would not mist the leaves.....that will allow the plant to absorb from leaves and slow down root growth. In time if you continue to mist leaves you will have photosynthetic shock which is caused by wet leaves getting magnified light (due to water) and thus burning the leaves. Instead do not...
  7. GreenIce

    First Grow : Lemon Skunk Femi from GHS

    Dude the drastic slow down is due to lack of water IMO. Soil looks very dry and it looks as though the leaves are already turning that orange/rust color in some areas. This is dead give away the plant is in stress. I would soak all of them asap. If you doubt my advice just soak 1 and watch...
  8. GreenIce

    First Grow : Lemon Skunk Femi from GHS

    I have 2 Lemon Skunk monsters growing now. 1 is about 7 feet tall and very bushy (indoors) the other about 6 feet tall. Just kicked back the lights to 12/12 so should see some buds in about 10-14 days. I have 2 things you should know. 1: these girls are a little sensitive to lots of nutes...
  9. GreenIce

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Sheez take it easy there tough guy. Whoever you are yelling at you gotta understand order to tell if the buds are ready you need to examine those trichs or crystals close up. Pretty much need a magnifying glass to get it right. So when you get the magnifying glass take a close...
  10. GreenIce

    Help! What is Wrong With My Plants?

    Looking much better congrads! Dude you gotta water those girls more. They look very dry. I would transplant in some light fluffy pro-mix or if you can get Foxfarm "Ocean Forrest" that would be even better. transplant gently into something about the size of a 16 oz. plastic cup and poke...
  11. GreenIce

    PCK (Pakistan Chitral Kush)Beanho

    :-DWOW....BBYY!!! This is awesome cant wait to see how it turns out. I have researched this strain somewhat and understand there are 2 phenos....1 turns out deep purple with tones of red and pink and the other pheno tends to be a little more resinous and mostly green. Hope you get a purple...
  12. GreenIce

    Very Droopy Leaves before Dark? Why?

    Guarantee you need to water these girls.....that is the 1st sign of a water shortage is the drooping leaves. Next you will see leaves at the bottom of plant turning yellow and eventually die and fall from the plant. Once you water it will probably take between 20 minutes and maybe at most 2...
  13. GreenIce

    Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style

    Hey Doc......I wouldn't sweat it I would flush it and give it extra water until it runs through the drain holes about 2 gallons per plant and be sure to drain extra water.....that will fix it. Also just a idea.....I bought a plastic garbage can and fill it with water (32 gallons) and do 1 big...
  14. GreenIce

    Is This Marijuana Pot that Came Up from Last Year? Help Please

    Hate to be the guy to go all negative on you but I am betting that is not a marijuana plant.....certainly looks like one but I think it is not because if you get as close of a look as you can at the center of the plant there seems to be 2 leaves I can see that wrap around the stock 360...
  15. GreenIce

    Brainwash In Schools

    It is all about job security and the fringe benefits. The police departments need to justify their budget requests to legislature. The cops need to think they will have a job tomorrow. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY IT IS THE FRINGE BENEFITS!!! Anyone who knows anybody who has been raided you know what...
  16. GreenIce

    Bug Help

    Also I should note I have never seen myself but have a friend that got infested with a root eating mite and it destroyed everything in his bud room and he had to disassemble everything spray the hell out of it and lost 1 month of growing as well as all his was really bad. Good luck
  17. GreenIce

    Bug Help

    The only good bugs are the carnivorous any herbivorous are a problem and should be eliminated. I personally prefer to keep the carnivorous alive for obvious reasons but can understand how some prefer to kill all of them for reasons sighted with disease, fungus spread
  18. GreenIce

    Lockstock (Freebie) Might be Worth Keeping

    Thanks DinafemHazeAuto! I have a total of 8 Plants. 2 Lockstock, 2 LA Woman, 1 Sleestack and 2 Apollo 13's. Everything except for the Apollo13 are freebies I got from Attitude. They average about 6 feet in height. I am guessing it will be about 12-14 ounces per plant......but when it is all...
  19. GreenIce

    Lockstock (Freebie) Might be Worth Keeping

    I call the fence wire wrapped around my plants "Vertical Scrogging" Works great if you plan on getting heavy buds that the plant will not be able to support. It is also easy and fast and less work then traditional scrogging horizontally
  20. GreenIce

    Lockstock (Freebie) Might be Worth Keeping

    I just harvested part of a Lockstock plant and thought I would share the results. Got a single seed from Attitude as a ufo. Happy with the results and will soon give it a smoke to see how the potency is.