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  1. C

    Done Lots of Research to Get Here! Still Have Questions

    Bump/What do you think they may be? They are from different bags, from different friends, with different dealers, lol. Either way, I think they are looking fantastic- what do you think?
  2. C

    Done Lots of Research to Get Here! Still Have Questions

    You're right about the stank issues! lol I can smell the beautiful sent of plants when I open the door and when I get close it smells like weed! haha who'da thunk it?! I just want to find some sort of small mountable fan that wouldn't require a huge hole and that would still move air. I'd have...
  3. C

    Done Lots of Research to Get Here! Still Have Questions

    This is what I was talking about- does the visual help?
  4. C

    Done Lots of Research to Get Here! Still Have Questions

    I really like this solution for light leaks... My bedroom door stays shut and I don't know any time when my roomie has ever come in this wreck of a room... haha I'm thinking about using the plastic sheet to take care of the light leaks, but then I'd still have heat issues. Some people say 90...
  5. C

    Done Lots of Research to Get Here! Still Have Questions

    how would the panda plastic seal off the light without sealing off my room?
  6. C

    Done Lots of Research to Get Here! Still Have Questions

    I've got a fan. Humidity is running 41% last I checked. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by light issue. As for venting, that was one of my questions really. I am renting this apt and can't really cut holes in my door, perhaps in the wall or something. I don't know. What do you suggest?
  7. C

    Done Lots of Research to Get Here! Still Have Questions

    Well let's snap to it! Here's the set-up info- Set-up First Grow Ever 2 DWC 5g Buckets- one with 10g air pump (bigger plant) other with ~20g air pump Last Temp/Humidity/pH reading: 92/41%/5.6 Using a small fan to circulate air Timer Using 18/6 Random bagseed started germination 21 days...
  8. C

    How Much Would You Pay for a Pound?

    exactly what i thought hahahahaha
  9. C

    Indoor Garden Watt Tips

    The CFL set up I'm using runs about 75 USD when all said and done. And that's just for one plant and probably not enough. It's two 55w and two 42w bulbs. It's my first grow, so if it goes well then I may look into upgrading- I, by no means, am commercial. It seems to me that, yes, HID's are...
  10. C

    First Grow- Day 16 w/ pics. How's everything look?

    Yes! Absolutely. I'm a little nervous about it but I am sure I can figure it out. Thanks for stopping by! Sub to my journal if you feel like answering questions to help a noobasaurus rex!
  11. C

    First Grow- Day 16 w/ pics. How's everything look?

    First, thanks for clicking on my thread! This is the most recent page from my journal- please help with the questions therein if you are so inclined and subscribe to follow/help a noob. Thanks! Well, I was able to set up my new light fixture last night. It's got two 55w and two 42w bulbs. My...
  12. C

    Should I put my seeds in dirt as they crack open?

    From what I've read there are several different methods. Some people like to shove a seed into the dirt from the get go, some like to put it in a cup of water and others, like myself, put 'em in paper towels. I don't know how just shoving them in dirt works, or barely cracking them works, but I...
  13. C

    First Grow and DWC Question! When to transplant...

    Here's a pic of my plants and I was wondering when I should put them into their individual 5 gallon buckets that have 5" net pots each. The iPhone 3g is in the pic for perspective... Any info, opinions, criticism is much appreciated! Pics 2 and 3 are the same plant- side and top shots...
  14. C

    Indoor Garden Watt Tips

    The standard answer for any fluorescent light grow around these forums is, "Get as much light on it as possible." The wattage isn't what matters anyway, so you won't find the answer to your question. I've read that you want at least 100w per plant a few inches away from it.
  15. C

    can hydroponically grown clones be placed in soil?

    I'm new to all this but from everything I've seen you should be able to transplant them just fine as long as their root system is good and strong.
  16. C

    Help! Deformed Leaves?

    cool. i was worried because this is my first time growing. thanks for the quick response! i've read other places to wait to add nutes. i think i'm going to switch back to water until that second set of leaves is good and ready to go and the cotyledon turns yellow- that seems reasonable.
  17. C

    Help! Deformed Leaves?

    This is my first grow. I'm using a 68w CFL for now. I plan on going hydro, hence the rockwool cubes. It's been about 9 days since I started germination. I'm using General Hydroponics (micro, veg, and flower) in a spray bottle keeping the cubes moist. The solution is weak. I don't see any signs...
  18. C

    1st Grow Ever!!!

    So I've started a journal with my first grow ( [not sure if it's kosher to do it like this- if there's a better/right way just let me know, I figure it's better than uploading pics to different places]) Turns out with each post I'm finding that...
  19. C

    YAY First Grow!!!

    Sub and help with the questions if you are so inclined! Any help/criticism helps! Thanks!
  20. C

    YAY First Grow!!! i invite you to come along with me! i appreciate and will take all the criticism and help i can get!!!