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  1. tmf


    Well, I had been stressing about things I cannot control, like what so-and-so might do next to upset the family, and over things like the nuclear power situation and debate. Life gets tedious, and sometimes it seems awfully scary. But I have pushed my 'reset' button again, I have reminded myself...
  2. tmf

    Here's politics in America

    "I like the puppet on the right." "Well I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking." Hey... wait a minute... there's one guy holding up both puppets! :o Bill Hicks
  3. tmf

    Driving High.

    Suppose you're in an accident and you'd been smokin' pot... you were only going 4 miles an hour... screech crash!...shit! I think we hit something! Na man, you forgot to open the garage door...Damn, thought I left the garage door open so the Domino's pizza guy knows we're home...shit, well at...
  4. tmf

    I applaud you all !

    How good it is to witness the clever creativeness of free spirited people. :clap:
  5. tmf


    We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion.