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  1. C

    Crossing two bag seeds. Can I name their kids?

    So the title basically says it all. What I want to know, as far as growing etiquette goes. If I cross two plants that were grown from unknown bag seeds, can I name the strain? Or do the parent plants have to be "pure bred" in order to name the children?
  2. C

    Skunkiest Smelling Herb

    What, in your opinion, is the skunkiest smelling herb you've ever smelled? It must smell like skunk. The fruitier plants don't count. This herb has to smell like a skunk just sprayed you in the face. Something, that when chopped, fills the entire house with the smell of skunk. It gets in your...
  3. C

    11 weeks, Foxtailing, What do I do?

    Plant is 11 weeks flowering. 74 days to be exact. It looks so close , but it's fox-tailing and spitting out new white hairs all the time. This will be the third set of white hairs to come out of this bud. The trichomes are in some places 50/50 cloudy and amber, and in some places there are...
  4. C

    How Long Do You Hold It In?

    I've read articles stating that when smoking marijuana, you shouldn't hold in the smoke for anymore then 5 seconds, because at that point all the THC has been absorbed into the lungs and holding it in for any longer will not get you any higher, it will just destroy your lungs. I don't know if I...
  5. C

    The Never Ending War and the creation of "legal" drugs.

    I love how people create these "legal" ways to get high, (fake weed/K2/incense) and then the government finds out and outlaws it. Because God forbid anything in this country is sold without the government getting their cut of the money. So then people just create new ways to get high going...
  6. C

    A Question. These are Trichomes, but What are Those Things?

    I know that the glassy looking mushroom things are trichomes, but what are the other clear spikey looking things? When looking at a leaf under a 60x mag, I notice the trichomes that I always see in the pictures on here, but I also noticed these clear things that look like spines. They are...
  7. C

    A Few Questions about Bag Seeds

    There's a good bit of talk about growing bag seeds and what not. From what I gather, seeds that are of unknown strains are called "bag seeds". Basically, you bought a bag of pretty good smoke and happened upon a rare seed. Why not plant it and see what turns up? Well, so to my questions. A...