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  1. Notaa

    Quick Question .

    If i try selling this plant , how much should i ask for ?
  2. Notaa

    So i think i have a Hermie . Help !

    theres only two balls in the whole plant and the rest are pistils . Should i just rip the balls of ?
  3. Notaa

    Important question + Re up .

    If the plant starts to flower it automatically means its a Female ? Also the plant has pistils but it also has like a ball forming on some of them it ooks like it could be flowers thoo .
  4. Notaa

    Week into 12/12 .

    This my baby , Yea its small but thats how i want it . Are does spots on the first picture where the flowers start growing ? How im doinq so far ? :D
  5. Notaa

    Checkout my Baby . I Proved ALOT of people Wrong .

    So im Just doing it simple . Two fluorescent bulbs 23w each , Normal dirt from my backyard and Water . Everyone told me it wasnt gonna work but here it is :D . I started the 12/12 about 4 days ago because i just want a small bushy plant . What Ya think ?
  6. Notaa

    12/12 Help .

    I started doing the 12/12 about a week ago , I just want to know for how long should i do this , How long does it normally takes to start seeing flowers , Buds ? & when should i stop the 12/12 ? Please i just need a few tips to make this stage faster/easier . i will give REP +
  7. Notaa

    HELP ! Pictures .

    So i started my 12/12 about a week ago and my plant is only about two inches tall but getting very bushy just how i want it . The problem is theres sets of leafs growing under each other and i dont think they'll get enough light or No light at all . What should i do ?
  8. Notaa

    Leafs growing too close to each other ?? Help ! PICTURES .

    My plant is only about 2" tall , did the topping about 3 weeks ago and started the 12/12 about a week ago . Is nice and bushy just how i want it but the leafs are too close to each other and sets of new leafs are growing from everywhere . is that a Problem ? any advice ? thanks .
  9. Notaa

    i could see my roots on the bottom of the pot ? HELP

    the plant is only about a few inches tall . why are my roots so long ?
  10. Notaa

    Advice / Suqqestions Please .

    I had started growing this baby about a month ago using regular dirt from my backyard and just watering it . Never added anythinq else . I know is growing really slow but it looks healthy . I did the topping like a week ago and started the 12/12 cycle two days ago . I Just want a Nice bushy...
  11. Notaa

    Plant Update :D

    I had started growing this baby about a month ago using regular dirt from my backyard and just watering it . Never added anythinq else . I know is growing really slow but it looks healthy . I did the topping like a week ago and started the 12/12 cycle two days ago . I Just want a Nice bushy...
  12. Notaa

    First Plant . Help !

    I just did the topping a few days ago , is growing pretty good to me . Also the main stem is light green but then the two side ones are Purple ?? I know the soil looks dry but i took the picture before watering . Should i start my 12/12 or should i wait ? Also they've been under light 24/7...
  13. Notaa

    Should i water plant before startinq my 12 hours of darkness ?? HELP!

    im about to start my 12/12 . HELP Please .
  14. Notaa

    Should i start my 12/12 . HELP !

    its been a couple of weeks , i did the topping already and it look like is growing back pretty healthy . I want a nice small plant . Should i start my 12/12 , or should i wait longer ?
  15. Notaa

    Yellow/Brown leafs ????

    Should i Rip them off ?
  16. Notaa

    Is Wetting the Leafs Good for My baby Plant ?

    Lookinq for a quick answer . should i do it often or Not at all ?
  17. Notaa

    Yellow/Brown leafs ????

    My bottom leafs are turning yellow wit brown spots :( What can it be ?
  18. Notaa

    Im i Just Hiqh or Do this Works ?

    I just added a few broken roses and a few leaves on the dirt around my baby plant , is this qood for the plant ? I heard it was . Please Help .
  19. Notaa

    Coffee Grounds . HELP .

    Can i add coffee grounds to my dirt to make a better soil ? Im using regular dirt from outside .
  20. Notaa

    What are the benefits of topping ?

    My plant is about 3 weeks old and i want to cut the main top because i heard it makes a small bushy plant , which is what i want . My question is , is it Safe to top it ? Let me remind You that i dont add nutrients to my plant im only using regular dirt .