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  1. E

    Over 500 actual watts of cfl ... Yield ?

    but you are affecting your overall yeild by burning the whole plant up. no? i know some people cut off fan leaves in flower but surely burning them will heat stress them? idk if im right its just a question
  2. E

    where to get CFL in UK

    water with tomato soup for a real italian flavour
  3. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    they look amazing, what kind of setup do you have like how many cfls and lumen output etc.
  4. E

    100 watts for 4, maybe 5 plants??? Enough?

    you probably dont want any less than 100w (actual usage) a plant if your using small cfls otherwise as prototypeone said it will not be worth the time and effort, get a couple on top and 2 or 3 (or as many as you can manage to fit) around the plant.
  5. E

    Diy Cfl Light 8 x 26watt with Reflector

    hostile..relax peopleits just a post
  6. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    nice plants ozone, have you ever done a grow with household cfls? would love some pics of them in flower
  7. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    excellent so if i had a 1ft plant completly surrounded with (5) 1200 bulbs then it could be assumed that i roughly have 6000 collective so mayb 3-4k at most points around my plant?
  8. E

    where to get CFL in UK

    nice guys can anyone suggest a decent website then that delivers to uk?
  9. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    come on someone clear up this lumens thing
  10. E

    Super Stressing plants 2 weeks before harvest?

    sorry i got a little mixed up ''Recent Swiss trials in outdoor plots of clones grown at different altitudes have shown that there is correlation between higher altitude and increased potency (although there seems to be a trade off in yield). '' is what it actually said
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    Super Stressing plants 2 weeks before harvest?

    hmm interesting read but i do have a question, did that mention something about it lowering your overall yield but makeing it more potent?
  12. E

    Super Stressing plants 2 weeks before harvest?

    oh really because i heard that those lights can provide too much of a certain type of light (cant remember which type) which really in turn would stress the plants right?
  13. E

    Super Stressing plants 2 weeks before harvest?

    a lot of people have been saying that it is a good idea to stress out your plants 2 weeks before harvest because this apparently makes the thc production go through the roof and your plants with be completely covered! a few methods i have heard of is: changeing temps rapidly sticking nails...
  14. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    thanks bunny that is rather helpful, but i also heard (or read) somewhere that you cant add lumens up like that 10 x 1200 lumens is not 12000 lumens its is still 1200 but just spreading out to more of the plant, can you or anyone clarify this for me? this is why i asked about getting one super...
  15. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    come on guys lets get a big list of suppliers for everyone to use (including me of course!) 1.ebay 3. 4.......
  16. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    well they are some very respectable plants. so is the 250w all thats worth getting or could i get the 105/125/150/200w range and still get a decent yield or should i just go straight for the more expensive one
  17. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    AWSOME! they look good, cheers guys. anyone useing a high (W) CFL for their grow? or has anyone used one previously, would love to see some pics of the harvests just to see what these ARE capable of from more experienced growers
  18. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    hmmm 32w seems like i will need a lot of lampholders to get a decent amount of light! thanks for the link, any other places anyone knows of that you can get some well priced high output (at least 45w) compact flourescents?
  19. E

    where to get cheap CFL in UK

    can you link me up to that ebay page, i didnt see anything like that!