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  1. S

    Revegging after sex shows

    Ok I have 2 plants, they started off indoors and I had them flower till they showed sex. When they showed sex I put them outside to let nature take its course, they are both re-vegging nice now but my question is are they going to still be female? Or could they go either way?
  2. S

    males + peanut-butter + chocolate pudding :D

    I had a couple small male plants i cut up last month, and decided to make some peanut butter. The last male i had i got a nice ball of ISO. So hopefully this works ^_^ :weed:
  3. S

    What do you like to call it?

    I just call it bud.
  4. S

    Drug War Victims

    This is just a little something i found surfing the web, was wondering what others had to say about it. So lets hear it.