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  1. F

    Electric Used for Better Plant Growth?

    Haven't been able to try it yet but some people swear by is with all "secrets of the trade", I suppose. Nevertheless very interesting stuff.. -Heres the link to...
  2. F

    Cant Tell if They are Ready to Start Flushing of Ready to Come Down?

    Hard to tell from the pics but they don't look done to me at all. Still plenty of white pistils = not done and some of the buds just don't look filled out also. I wonder if you should even be flushing yet?
  3. F

    Indoor LED Grow 2011

    Your plants look very healthy. I'm gonna have to try leds out sometime soon...I want that purple light in my room ha ha. Also have been thinking recently a mix of led and hps in flowering might grow some serious buds?? It seems like there should be a company or organization dedicated to the...
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    Dutch Passion - Mekong High Hermied on Me

    Sorry about the hermie, so far my first experience with DP has been pretty good. Got Mekong High, Blueberry, Orange Bud, White Widow freebies. Orange Bud had hermie problems from the beginning but wasn't surprised after seeing so many grows online with problems. Mekong and Widow seeds put out...
  5. F

    Controlling humidity and temp... How to?

    Most of this doesn't even make sense, its just a bunch of words..talking about some "flaw" that never accurately gets defined? Am I the only one seeing Spam here?!? Try different methods and see what works, every grow is different. For a small grow you might be able to just run the a/c...
  6. F

    Symbionic fungus? mycorrhizae

    Don't know much about it but its available in several different applications. I recently used a mix for the first time that had mycorrhizae already in it and the plants seemed to like it and I will be buying more. From what I've read too people say it makes a worthwhile/noticeable difference...