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  1. R

    isosthesia aka isofluran

    does it have any recreational use similar to k? also how much does it take? and how do you take it? any other info would be appreciated
  2. R

    Xanax help! Newbish question.

    yes you will be fine mixing the green and yellow ones as long as there both xanax
  3. R

    4 plants in 1 pot...should i seperate?

    right now i have 4 plants in 1 pot as well but im not really trying to have huge plants for stealth reasons i was wonfdering if they will survive if i leave them together just be small? ill probly end up taking at least 1 out because im sure at least 1 will be male
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    i dont really mess with none of that stuff though ive seen too many people get hooked on them
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    2CE and other research chemicals.

    ive done 2c e i and p i gotta say i liked the 2cp the most i feel it had alot more visuals and it lasts wayy longer
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    if there the roxies the 30s go for $10-$20 around here
  7. R

    Order Pure DXM Online.

    for all of you who have a legit dxm vendor deel free to send me a PM
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    I just sold money on my Runescape account for $300

    think you could send me the website in a pm
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    question for blunt smokers

    i mostly roll blueberry swisher cigarillos or green leaf games depending on how much im puttin in
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    Best 2C-x Compund

    yes when i take 2cp it lasts anywere from 8-14 hours its probably my favorite of the 2c's though. 2ce would be next then 2ci i havent done any of the other 2cs yet
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    okay - - woah - wait a second. Magic Mush legal?

    the spores are 100% legal but growing and possessing shrooms is illegal
  12. R

    Miracle whip or Mayo?

    i like both
  13. R

    Inhaling Acetone

    y the fuck would you inhale acetone???
  14. R

    Swishers not sticking??

    ive tried just letting it dry by itself and drying it with a lighter ive had better luck getting it really wet then drying it with a lighter but it still seems to unroll as im smoking it might just be the swishers at my local gas station i was wondering why they suddenly went from $1.28 to 69...
  15. R

    Swishers not sticking??

    ya i only roll swishers when im taking 1 to the face too or smoking with 1other person other than that its a fat game blunt
  16. R

    Swishers not sticking??

    well its definetly not my technique i can roll a mean blunt lol and i definetly use enough spit on them..there usually not stale they roll fine and everything its just when it comes to sealing it the blunt just doesnt wana stick no matter how much spit i use and when i roll any other kind of...
  17. R

    Swishers not sticking??

    it seems like lately every swisher cigarillo i get lately just isnt sticking at all and once i do get them to stick they slowly unroll while im smoking(i have no problems at all with other cigarillos) first i thought i was the only one having this problem but yesterday a couple of my friends...
  18. R

    Who cant roll a joint

    i can roll a joint but im not gonna lie there not the best im a much better blunt roller
  19. R

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    i used to like ranch till i read this
  20. R

    $175 Half OZ Poll Ounce

    im in south florida also and for some firee crip i pay $140-$160 so if its some dank then you got an alright deal