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  1. L

    Ras Berry inthe Rain Forest!!

    Thanks Growop 101!!
  2. L

    Ras Berry inthe Rain Forest!!

    No not a gueriila but DEEP in the Rain forest in Costa ! We are using raised beds of PeteMoss mixed with perlite. ( its available locally).They are vegged with sun and extra 6 hrs under a couple of 1000 watt mh..I will post some more pic soon . Thanks for the positivity!!
  3. L

    Ras Berry inthe Rain Forest!!

    Hi Guys just wanted to post some pics of what we call RAS berry. I have known people to say it is a defficency but these rasberry color pistols are only coming from LOVE!! We are up in the rain forest under a hoop house . Thoughts
  4. L

    Costa Rican Ras-Berry

    Thanks Guys! I will post a better pic of the crop later. Just a side note this is in the rainforest! 90-100% humitity. NOT Easy !! Cheers!!
  5. L

    Costa Rican Ras-Berry

    Hello Just like to get some feed back on my outdoor crop. All comments welcome.
  6. L

    Roots Organics Soil and nutrient lockout

    I could really use that recipe! I am new here and livin in Centeral America . I am using R.O aand i am getting locked out. New shoot are pale and distorted. I am checking the ph again tomorrow after the flush .