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  1. O

    Stupid mistakes that get you caught

    8 feet under huh? I'm sure you do know that heat rises - UP! Heat sensors can detect the heat rising up and shows a funny looking pattern around the heat source. I only say this because a real good friend of the family is a Sherriff in these parts and does the fly over all the time. Want to hide...
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    so when can I start takin weed out of my plant?

    You can start at any time, but why would you? Must be out of stash huh? You can smoke the leaves at anytime, but why? Yuck! you can pick and dry bud at anytime. But Why? You'll only want more, then you'll be all out before the plant is finished. 60-70% Red hair is better! In other...
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    A Really Stupid Question!!!

    Yes! Sad But True!
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    Help!!!! Big Screw Up

    A few very helpful tips A higher nitrogen concentration will give more females. A higher potassium concentration will give more males. A higher humidity will give more females. A lower temperature will give more females. More blue light will give more females. Fewer hours of light will...
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    Mercury Vapor Lights?

    From what I understand is that they have a red spectrum, but nothing like an HPS. Also from what I understand, they take forever to turn on and heat up.
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    Drinkable Marijuana

    Isn't that kinda like making hash? The alc. the shaking, the straining. Forget trying to make that drink. I'll just open up a bottle of moonshine and take a toke! lol
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    White Chocolate-Cranberry Cake

    Damn that looks extremely good! Munchie time for sure.
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    A Really Stupid Question!!!

    Should I just use Google next Time???
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    A Really Stupid Question!!!

    Since people are asking stupid questions, I thought I would ask a really stupid one as well since people here seem to support stupid questions like this one! Does cannabis make you constipated? And If You swallow pot seeds whole will you grow plants outta your @ss?
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    Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?

    I have to agree with bomb bay black. Questions of that nature don't belong in a forum such as this one. From what I have seen so far this forum is about how to grow cannabis, not if pot causes cancer. I thought we were here to help one another out with our set-up's, Our Grows, and our grow...
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    Holidaze Snickerdoodles

    Hot damn! She is hot! But your recipe is not! Sorry!
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    Get Outta Of The Dog House Brownies With Carmel Sauce!

    It should be a sin to have food like that!
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    Types of Food You Like?

    Tooty, toot, toot! I like beans too! :)
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    Types of Food You Like?

    What the hell is a mota burger? Is that like castle burgers from NY that a blackman spit in??
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    Hot Chocolate With Peppermint Schnapps & Cannabis Tea!

    Talk about a drink that'll F u up! Cheers!
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    The Devil's "Pot" Roast

    sounds really great! Can I use lamb instead?
  17. O

    Contest -

    nasty! Look like dog shit, smell like dog shit, taste like dog shit! Good thing we don't step in it!