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  1. G

    Typical watering cycle for ebb n flow?

    i was wondering what a good watering cycle would be if they were in 12/12... how many times should the container flood in daytime and for how long each flood? any advice is extremely appreciated... ive been searching titles on this forum and i cant find a good answer. thanks all!!!! :weed:
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    BC Bud Online legit or not? Any success? i want to get some good purps. This won a cannabis cup this past year. would be nice for the summer. legit or not?
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    Blueberry DWC ScRoG StealthBox v2.0

    Heres my friends grow of 4 blueberry plants. Doing alright so far. Only 2 plants in the DWC system, but 2 transplanting shortly. Check the images, and please, post comments. No real experience here, just LOT of reading good ol RIU. Glad to join this amazing community!!!! sideways picture hows...
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    Does this need a seal or wrong pump? pics

    Hey. I got a great setup, but my pump wont attach to my manifold FTL. anyone got any ideas? It was a shit pump i got from walmart for 20$... seemed like a good deal. but will it work? If anyone knows how to bridge the gap and bring my precious cargo of water to my needy plants, let me know.
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    What is YOUR coolest/best known piece?

    I just lost my bong the week :( :( :( i have had it for over 3 years and it just SUCKS not to have it. but anyway, im about to be buying a piece soon, and im just wondering.... WHATS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE? POST YO PIX :) :joint: :joint: :joint:
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    Bl00Berry from

    im so stoked. my first grow is in the mail, i ordered about 4 days ago. i will keep you all updated. . . but i already hit my first snag... I got a 400watt hps from it was delivered to my PARENTS house (bc i always do my shipping from ebay there, etc) . . . well, my punk...
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    BrEEdBaY. . . Yay or Nay?

    Anyone ever ordered from I won 10 Pandoras Box seeds for only 25$.... just wondering, is this 25$ just going to disappear with no seeds sent? =/ just wondering if anyone knows if this is a scam or not. . . . but . . . TGA strains are the fucking bomb :D my cousin has a few...
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    In theory, CMH > HPS?

    So, take a look at the light spectrum for Ceramic Metal Halide bubls. Phlips MasterColor Ceramic Metal Halide ~ CMH ~ HPS-Retro White So by using a 400watt CMH during veg and during flowering, that should result in a better overall Plant than a 400watt MH during veg and 400watt HPS during...
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    Electric Fruit Punch

    Anyone ever grow this? sounds pretty sick :D Electric Fruit Punch is an exclusive Highgrade cross between the legendary Blueberry and Mango strains. As the name implies you get extreme fruity flavor that packs a HUGE punch! Big yielder of high octane bud! Amazing aroma! Finishes in about 9...
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    To those who have grown many strains of blueberry

    Who has the best strain of Blueberry, honestly. I know that EVERYONE has A strain, but i want the best color (which i know doesnt rly depend on the strain as much as the conditions of the grow), but more importantly the best aroma and taste. Whos strain has the most intense blueberry smelling...
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    Ok, so let me see if my logic makes sense with breeding

    Ok, not necessarily breeding, but im sort of confused about this... so ive got, say, 5 seeds. Lets say ive got them all situated, and sprouting, growing etc... Now should i grab clones off of all of them during the Veg state? Bc they dont show their sex until Flowering stage correct? Just want...
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    Good Sativa with fruity smell that makes you ROFL?

    As gay as the title is, im looking for something for my gf to start smoking again. Hates the real piney/woody weed, likes the stuff that smells fruity and not like a skunk. She likes to rofl not be couch locked. WHOS GOIN TO BE MY HERO and come thru with a good type of strain im talking...
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    Ebay a decent substitute for Overpriced retail lights?

    Went to my local hydro shop today, told me that they sell a digital ballast for 398 ALONE.... 400 something for the hood, and bulb... NOT what i was expecting to spend for a 400watt HPS/MH setup.... anyway, my question is would you trust a product like this? 400 watt HPS GROW LIGHT SYSTEM w...
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    raft my way to harvest?

    ok.... so im about to begin growing 2 plants in this big cooler/ice chest. i plan on doing a 2 PPP plant bubbler raft setup in this piece under 6 CFLs (4 26W 1600lumens cool, 2 26W 1600lumens...