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  1. B

    First time grower - Looking for advice

    When you mention seeds. From your plant? you'll need a male plant to pollinate your female plant. The female plant without a male plant will make a stronger better bud w/o seeds. You have to seal that pink insulation up. especially when the sticky bud starts. That insulation has little...
  2. B

    7 weeks into flowering small buds,help

    They are looking good. Florals take a lot longer to bud and fill out. If you Get the lights closer . Place one or two under to get the little bottom nugs and give it time the colas will fatten up. You may even have to take the ready buds from the top and keep it rolling until the middle or...
  3. B

    Venting through the sewers

    careful you don't make your basement to negative. It could pull fumes from your water heater and or your furnace that normally are vented outside.
  4. B

    First CFL "Stealth" Grow

    yep I like white more than tinfoil and yes tinfoil it can cause hot spots. when you go to 12/12 make sure you get a full 12 of dark. those fans on top need a light trap of some type .
  5. B

    The yellow plants

    ok good Idea. you might want to put a temp cover over the clear plastic bottom and only remove it to look for dampness. the roots hate light. just an idea.
  6. B

    I Want Your Advice

    Where legal The market is to tough to make a living legally. If you make money illegally then you risk throwing your life away. Otherwise give up the dream of growing and selling legal. There are 1000's out there that have grown 20 plus years that would jump on an easy opportunity if it was...
  7. B

    The yellow plants

    agreed. If your only watering around the plants and not all the dirt the dry dirt will suck all the water away from the plant. be sure you have good drainage and water at least 1/2 your bucket.