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  1. Dr.J20

    Why would I not take my girls outside in nice weather

    only thing is hardening off. look it up on google and you should find a good schedule (how many hours to start with etc.). usually takes me a week or so to completely harden off seedlings before transplanting to ground/raised bed etc. good luck and be safe in NC :leaf:
  2. Dr.J20

    Spider Farmer Valentine's Day Giveaway❤️

    @cannabineer @rkymtnman @hyroot pick me! I really need that light! and I :leaf: the two sf1000 i just picked up!
  3. Dr.J20

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    Its not likely TMV. Two really characteristic features of TMV are (1) mosaic-like necrosis that can wither tissue in one group of cells so much it looks translucent right next to a patch that is brittle and yellow right next to a typical brown necrotic patch; additionally (2) the manifestation...
  4. Dr.J20

    Too much light intensity?

    canoeing is usually a transpiration issue. light intensity can be the source of this even when temps are technically within tolerance but for indoor grows you're getting up there without CO2 supplementation at 89°F. You can try an aloe foliar but you might want to also check air circulation at...
  5. Dr.J20

    Replacing my Platinum P300 LEDs with something better. Looking for recommendation.

    I'm in a similar situation and I've been looking at spider farmer. mars hydro and viparspectra also have similar quality lights but they're all budget compared to the next tier up; still if you're looking to keep things under 500 for a space like that one of these three could be a nice addition...
  6. Dr.J20

    Lighting Options What Would You Do?

    400W inda gro; 6' x 9' flowering space but obv. am not using it all right now. what do you think?
  7. Dr.J20

    Lighting Options What Would You Do?

    Hey y'all, been a while but I thought I'd check what the forums think about my current situation: I'm in a position where i've got two new spider farmer sf 1000 and a 10 year old approximately 35,000 hr induction light (inda-gro) rated for no drop in brightens for up to 60,000 hrs. Inda-gro...
  8. Dr.J20

    Is it ready or should I wait?

    aim for more clear and milky trichome heads than amber. specific ratios are a matter of taste; amber heads indicate conversion to cbn is underway leading to stoney couchlocky experience. if you dont have a microscope capable of viewing the heads, get one. totally worth it for this question in...
  9. Dr.J20

    Please help I got no clue what I’m doing

    autos kinda blow IMO. I've never had any fun growing them--which i'll admit has only been once (freebie that i didn't select). Maybe I don't treat them right or whatever but for a plant that just really wants to grow, autos seem less vigorous and well adapted for growth. What's the big deal...
  10. Dr.J20

    Gday! New to the forum and a fairly new grower.

    In my experience, blurples can produce tight nodes and what appears to be stunted growth like the one you were asking about in the early posts. Keep her and flower her out and see what happens. Tighter nodes isn't a terrible feature in flower, especially after the stretch. Be easy, :peace:
  11. Dr.J20

    Any ideas on these pics?

    overwatering in high heat and humidy, she'll even out.
  12. Dr.J20

    Thrips: What to do when nothing is working?

    emulsify the neem in the dish soap before mixing it in with the water then apply thoroughly with a mister to tops and bottoms of leaves. stop treating when you get bud formation that would be too dense for foliar spraying. best of luck! :peace: dig in to the soil threads in the organics forum...
  13. Dr.J20

    help me decide

    I like 20/25L airpots or 8/12L airpots dropped into a 20L bucket as the catch reservoir. It's an instant SIP with plenty of air exchange and plenty of water recovery. I pop an airstone in the bucket first too to keep the catch water aerated. Doesn't add significant height and keeps water...
  14. Dr.J20

    Blue led on fan--chances of Light Leak symptoms?

    don't worry about the LED. you're good.
  15. Dr.J20

    Should I wash my buds? And how?

    I use baking soda and lemon juice but washing isn't a problem even for dense buds--dense buds were living before you chopped them and had moisture circulating. if you're gentle, washing is great. I don't think you really loose smell either; i think it seems to smell less right after you finish...
  16. Dr.J20

    Questions about vaping weed.

    save up for longer and get a storz and bickel mighty or crafty; you can hit the same dosing capsule more than once though you will lose some during the cool-off in between uses. use your lower temp in the first round and then you might bump it up for the second one, but higher temps change the...
  17. Dr.J20

    Foxfarm questions

    i mean, yeah, ok, but the same is true about miracle grow. you've just shifted from bottles of snake oil to bags of it. you need a mix with a base, some aearation, and some food. coco-ewc-perlite, sphagnum-cow manure-pumice, the more diverse your mix, the better, but if the bar is just getting...
  18. Dr.J20

    Drying my first harvest

    whats the rh in your area right now? If you're concerned about mold, i'd say fire up another fan or two so long as it isn't too dry with all that air moving. i'd sacrifice some drying time to prevent any mold i think. be easy, looks great, :joint:
  19. Dr.J20

    In need of some help with these ladies

    Sounds good dude! AACT = Actively Aerated Compost Tea Your soil is likely fine, especially if you haven't added anything to it. Start the process of recycling it after this grow. You can go with FFOF, i love it; their coco loco is pretty tasty too if you like having a coco base. there are tons...
  20. Dr.J20

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    ever tried, ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better. --Beckett