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    First time closet grower, Advice Please!!

    instead of zipper , use velcro
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    when to chop your seed crop

    I have similar issues, on a outdoor blueberry ( one branch pollenated 3-4 weeks into flower ). The buds are size of beer bottles (thats why i want to keep gene ) Should I flower branch full 8 weeks ? thanks in advance.
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    Serious issues after flipping to 12/12 with pics)

    Are there bugs in soil? Eating roots
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    Problems with white widow

    I also have ww growing outside.
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    Problems with white widow

    The leaves at bottom of plant start yellowing and go up the plant. Its a fungus. Similar to nitrogen def.
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    Problems with white widow

    I have it too, its a fungus. All the outside plants have it in my area.
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    Guerrilla grower's nightmare Leaf spot disease

    I too have this problem , on shrubs, perinnial beds, & mj plants ( indoor & out ). Its all over my community. Im watching my plants die..
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    600 watt for 4 plants is the 2 low for flowering

    I had 4 plants under 600, next grow I had 8 plants under same. yeild was exactly same (fluffy buds) . I then switched to 1000 watts , tight buds ,more weight, but had to upgrade ventilation.
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    still brown/yellow leaves.. pics...

    nute lockout is common in soil if ph is out of whack, plant dosnt receive proper nutes (yellowing leaves, spots,all sorts of problems)
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    still brown/yellow leaves.. pics...

    bringing my water from 8.2 to 6.2 ph works for me , the plants love it .I also put lime in soil mix. I never tried MG soil.
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    still brown/yellow leaves.. pics...

    With high temps & lack of rain, my well water went up ph 8.2 . I bring it down 6.2, but I did not realize at first & had some lock out (had to flush some plants)
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    Florida First Outdoor Grow In A Tree!

    Ilove it, can it be seen easily when walking below? goodluck
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    2x 600w Hps.

    I dont see why not, big plants , big roots = big yield
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    2x 600w Hps.

    how big is the area?
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    The Attitude and Canadian Customs. Read

    seeds are legal in Can., u just cant germinate them, ha ha
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    My Girls Doing Porn

    looks good, I have 3 ww at 7 weeks (I dont have colas like yours thou), want are u using for light?
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    Do We Dare Discuss 911 With Poll

    Not to mention all the fuel that was in plane
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    i have a security issue.

    I would not worry, lots of people have woodstoves, heaters etc, in there sheds (me included), wow it is coldddd today.
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    Help!!!! Limp drooping leaves spider mites burn aaaaahhhhhhhh

    I used stuff called Doktor Doom (from hydro shop, but saw same stuff at hardware store) it worked great for me after 2 applications (about 2 weeks) I haven seen a little bastard since, good luck
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    misting plants, should i be spraying the buds?

    lol,ya fdd, they love to take my $