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  1. W

    Mold on rockwool?

    If it bothers you, take a serrated knife, and cut off the top 1/8 inch of the cube, the green is really shallow. Then you can cover it.
  2. W

    hydroponic nutrients

    77 degrees is too high for the reservoir. But, those plants look pretty freakin good!
  3. W

    More from the skinny blonde ...

    "and competing over who could make the most offensive statements in public" hmm isn't this how AC built her entire "career"???
  4. W

    How the Right Hijacked America's Economic Model

    Unfortunately, an unfettered free market will only lead to massive plundering all around. I notice you did not respond to my "trickle-down" question. Trickle-down is based on the plundering model, or else no one would be at the top (you need the "tricklers"/plunderers to make it all work).
  5. W

    How the Right Hijacked America's Economic Model

    Please explain the "logic" behind trickle-down economics, and state whether you are for or against it. Med's analysis looks pretty logical to me. The lower you are on the economic ladder, the less the chance of any trickles reaching you. Logic kicks ass!
  6. W

    Got caught need advice

    Depends a lot on your record, if it's a first offense you will probably get probation.
  7. W

    Very Potent Nepali Hashish killed Bruce Lee

    post a photo and we'll go from there
  8. W

    Got caught need advice

    norml website has a nice section where they detail all the legal penalties for weed, growing, etc. state by state.
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    How the Right Hijacked America's Economic Model

    I second that emotion!
  10. W

    How the Right Hijacked America's Economic Model

    "we????" Been to Detroit, lately??? Not really an expert on Mexican economics, but couldn't help notice some new Mexican billionaire just passed Bill Gates, is he affiliated with the Mexican government? Sounds kinda like a free-market to me. Actually, like the free market on steroids.
  11. W

    How the Right Hijacked America's Economic Model

    The free market, without any government regulation, can lead to only one inevitable outcome, all the wealth ends up in the hands of a few, (or one?) rich dude(s). Probably no none even realizes this, but Mexico is a fabulously wealthy country (we get a shitload of oil from them), but their...
  12. W

    Progress of the progression of liberalism ...

    Oh, stop the planet, another Jew who abandoned the Democratic Party for the NeoCon agenda (see e.g. Joe Lieberman).
  13. W

    Those silly "Right Wingers"...

    No one can be elected U.S. president without endorsing the American Enterprise Institute's goals as stated in their "project for a new American century," namely, we attack Iraq, Iran, then Syria, so no one can threaten their beloved Israel. Wake up, people!!!
  14. W

    The Worst President In U.S. History.

    Thumbs up to JC for not kissing Israel's ass!
  15. W

    everytime- stunted growth. plz help!

    peat moss is too acidic. Burning the baby roots.
  16. W

    big plants for inside

    Kali Mist by Serious Seeds.
  17. W

    Reservoir temp?

    If nutes are consistently below 60 degrees f, the solution can't hold enough oxygen, and you can get a heater for 20 bucks or less, and it uses about as much electricity as a light bulb.
  18. W

    Ppm 2000+ help!!

    Please elaborate on the zinc coated nails, I never heard of that. Is it a source of zinc?
  19. W

    H202 and Organics

    20 minutes, according to the directions on the bottle (35%). Says to add, let water sit 20 minutes, then add nutrients. Hygrozyme says on the bottle it's compatible with h2o2, I'd guess Cannazym is similar. My friend is doing the same thing, to help his plants recover from a pump failure, and...
  20. W

    Am i ready to flush

    They look very dark green and healthy, I think you should start flushing. NICE!