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    Homemade Bong bowl ideas

    in the uk, mainly the south west, we smoke shotties, it's the same as a bong but with a straight down tube with no gauze, we just put a little ball/plug of tobacco and then the weed on top
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    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    Hey Stealthy, your girl looks beautiful! There's something I've be wondering about for a while, its probably a dumb question but how do you change the water in your res, without moving the tree? safe x
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    First time growing, in a cabinet and man am i excited!

    I've never growing these methods, but my understanding is SOG: Sea of Green is when you plant a lot of plants close together to form a canopy, where as a ScrOG: Screen of Green you can form a canopy out of one plant using a screen or mesh and training the plant to fill up the screen before the...
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    Staged Grow-room Buildup towards a perpetual harvest - Selenas City Grow

    I've just seen this thread, please continue it, its really impressive and inspiring!
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    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    Hey Stelthy, been following your project for 7 months now and there's something I've been wondering, what's chopper stopper? it was on your list of things to buy a while ago, but I didn't see it added to your cab anyway man, love your grow, really can't wait for the harvest :D
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    What about grafting marijuana to trees, is it possible? :D
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    Co2 Enhanced 400 Watt HPS Scrog Stealth Flower Cabinet Build

    Sub'd! I have an empty wardrobe just standing in my bedroom and thinking about doing a similar thing, keep the thread updated on your grow man :) +rep
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    Closet Grow room setup

    tin foil is ment to be very bad because it produce heat spots and burns the leafs, better safe than sorry and good luck on your grow, i hope you'll have some nice nugs, what strain you growing?
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    First grow, CFL indoor, unknown seeds

    What CFLs are you using and how many?
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    herro. no vent needed idea

    i had a similar idea, but with the use of home brewing beer, to which you could also make cannabeer
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    Envirolite Reflector for two CFL lamps closet grow

    hi guys, i'm new to rollitup and the whole growing world but i've been doing research and been planning where and how to grow and i was thinking do you guys think would be suitable for a closet grow?? all so whats peopls views on oxy pots, are they worth it for...
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    any legal stuff?

    Just Say N2O, one my most beloved legal drug, they use it for everything from, cars, whipped cream and medical, never do the car nos tho, that shits dirty, oh and medical grade is fucking hard, but whippets are amazing