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  1. clonequeen

    should have said free PROFESSOR MARIJUANA 45 day grow seminar for RIU members

    Go see, what the banned and evil money gruber, solicitor profmj has done.
  2. clonequeen

    45 DAY GROW SEMINAR by Professor Marijuana

    As a side note the $1,000 DVD is include in the seminar package. What a greedy prick my hubby us.:-) Where are the haters now. All those fro CO grab the new Westword with the "Green Chronical" inset to see the ad the prof never once mentioned here. also a website I know of but don't dare...
  3. clonequeen

    45 DAY GROW SEMINAR by Professor Marijuana

    All MM legal states from west to east. Locations and dates will be posted soon. all are wellcome. On the Professor, Hmm, how about that Fdd? Probably because of you, not the goodness of the Prof. Man did you have him wrong. Oh well. RIU's loss
  4. clonequeen

    45 DAY GROW SEMINAR by Professor Marijuana

    clone to harvest. hope you can join us
  5. clonequeen

    45 DAY GROW SEMINAR by Professor Marijuana

    As the evil Professor has been banned I will pass along his offer of thanks to those who showed respect. The Professor will be kicking off a 15 state tour of seminars teaching his 45 day grow technique starting after he returns from is speech at Hempfest Seattle. The first seminar is sheduled...
  6. clonequeen


    Many have said things about Fdd and his treatment of Professor Marijuana. The Professor is my husband and I was able to see some of the things that Fdd did to back stab Dana. Let me tell you a side about him most don't know. Dana was a long distance sniper attached to the 82nd airborne. He has...
  7. clonequeen

    Ask Professor Marijuana

    well ban all of us, what scum
  8. clonequeen

    Ask Professor Marijuana

    get the padle quick. You are the that will be banned in the end. How Petty and what an insult. Prevoke with PM's and act inocent. chicken shit
  9. clonequeen

    Ask Professor Marijuana

    Share the PM's ASSHOLE
  10. clonequeen

    Ask Professor Marijuana

    Banned so you can hide. Piece of shit, can't stand toe to toe but you have a badge. Hall monitor as a kid? Ban away You are a piece of shit, and a disgrace to all veterans. Fuck You
  11. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    Again, hello my friends, wife of the professor again. I know you think us advertising maniacs rolling in dough, but once again, I wish. In the spirit of debate though, anything that gets people in a pissing a good use of time? Forget it, I give up trying to find something...
  12. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    Averted...thank you for finding some humor electric pinaple and bud. I must smoke now....:0)
  13. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    Thank you my friend, now you have made my night. It's about time we start laughing...and yes, even at ourselves a bit. Don't tell anyone I said that though.
  14. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    Though if makes you feel better, you taught me for the first time. :0)
  15. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    I think anyone can tell after a few grows, and I know I need to relax, but I am sure you would feel differently if it were you being ridiculed all the time. We use the Brix meter, because this for us is a science, and it is about the PERFECT crop. Yes, I know about what sugar does. Oh, and I...
  16. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    Hey lady, it is a bit of a pain actually, we ended up using a blender. You could also use one of those spice crusher things. :0)
  17. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    BRIX METER With regards to the Brix meter commentary. You said yourself FDD that the BRIX meter is used in a different industry. Not that the hydroponic stores that sell them would do so, but I am sure they too are lying and there is no connection with sugar content and THC levels, and they are...
  18. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    I am curious about those hating individuals who agree with FDD….in all your tiresome reading about the ‘professor’ where have you seen him selling you anything? If you don’t like reading about him, why are you still doing it??? Again, of course, just curious I am...
  19. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    43 DAY CAPER CONTINUED BEAR WITH ME FRIENDS, BUT I HAVE BEEN LISTENING TO THIS BULLOCKS CRITISM FOR SOME TIME Do you think people ask to hear my husband speak, and have him write as a columnist in two separate magazines, because he is such a good liar that they are blinded by the beauty of his...
  20. clonequeen

    Produce weed in 43 days

    43 DAY CAPER CONTINUED I know you think us stinking rich now, and advertising to poor patients we rob, but, were you aware that we are both patients too, and happen to be afflicted with the most painful disease known to medical science? RSD, look it up. I am sure you will accuse me of lying...