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  1. L

    Trichome Sunflower

    That is awesome, mate.
  2. L

    New BP Logo...

    Nice job. That whole situation is horrible.
  3. L

    Growing very large amounts of Cannabis in a flat - would smell be an issue?

    25 square meters then that would be 5 meters x 5 meters, that would be a medium sized room. In that case, the rooms would be approx. 16' X 16'. depending on the height of your room(I'll assume 8ft). Volume would be 16' X 16' X 8' = 2,048 cubic feet. Depending on the exhaust fan/ carbon filter...
  4. L


    No, you are simply purchasing a book.
  5. L

    Bin Laden hunter to be released by Pakistan

    *Golf clap* for him. Man's got balls.
  6. L

    does scrog increase yield +rep

    Light is fine, Scrog is fine, normally it is done with clones though. Scrog will just keep them growing nice and even in height and long as you train them.
  7. L

    does scrog increase yield +rep

    I don't think a scrog has any effect on the increase of yields. SCROG was designed for grow areas limited in height and lit by fluorescent lighting. I'm sure you can get increased yields with optimum conditions, but the scrog on it's own increasing yield, No. As for those strains, aren't they...
  8. L

    can i start my seedlings in a 13cm pot ?

    Yes. Just be careful to watch the orientation of the taproot.
  9. L

    The number of FAN LEAVES

    It's all genetics, like a few others have said. You aren't going to turn a 4 banger into a hemi by duct taping a turbo charger on the hood... Benefits of a mature lady, better chances of getting a max. harvest. Bud production is based on genetics as well.
  10. L

    How Long to YIELD a QP / 4oz per PLANT?

    Depends on genetics, strains all have bud production thresholds, it will not produce more than this and that is under optimum conditions(even with Co2). Period.
  11. L

    Small Plants

    I would say they trimmed the roots, like bonsai. As you can see it isn't rootbound.
  12. L

    Did I Create Feminized Seeds?

    Yes, you have feminized seeds.