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  1. O

    Fuck the Lakers.

    Nothing of any value or subsistence to really say aside from; Fuck the Lakers. I was so happy the Suns were in it tho. Fuck Kobe, 33 ppg or not he's a rapist.
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    Sickest Rhymes

    Just post one or two of your favorite rhymes. Or one of your own even Big Pun - Twinz "dead in the middle of little italy, little did we know, that we riddled some middle man, who didn't do diddely"
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    Kick Back and Smoke a Blunt (Hip-Hop thread)

    Just wanted to see what people were listening too on here. Post what you're listening too or just a favorite song or Freestyle. Insane Eminem Verse over Kick in the Door on the Wake up Show. MUST SEE
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    What Determines the heat of a Pepper?

    Ok so genetics aside, what environmental effects influence the heat of a Pepper? I have about 9-10 different peppers growing and like em Hot! I just grew 3 different types of radish and all 3 of them were incredibly spicy! I mean this was the hottest Radish I've ever had. What accounts for this...
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    Sexing Flowers and Pollinating them yourself -HELP!

    Ok, so first of all I have a small 6x10 Garden in Tucson, AZ (very arid climate). I have several types of Peppers (Jalapenos, Anaheims, Banana, Red Bell, Yellow Bell, Thai, Cayenne and Poblano). Many of them have begin to flower and some have began to fruit even. However some of the flower...