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  1. D

    Is this a male or female? Or too early?

    Hello all. Let me preface this post by saying I'm a "nube" to growing, started indoor grow about 6 mos. ago using LED grow panels. I have noted that the plants that turned out to be female, most had 3 lobed leaves on each branch for the first 4-7 branches, then went to the typical(?) 5 lobed...
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    I have a small, 28"x18"x68" indoor grow cabinet utilizing LED lights. All is going well, except there are gnats or flies attracted to the lights/plants. They don't seem to be bothering the plants or me. I have removed the plants and sprayed the cabinet with a pyrethium based insecticide, but...
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    LED Grow Lights

    The plants in the pics are all about 3 mos. old, they were already growing outdoors when I got the light and moved them inside. The lights make the plants appear to be a darker green than natural light
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    LED Grow Lights

    Hey AX do you have an address for prosource, I'd like to check it ou
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    LED Grow Lights

    Best I could do with webcam
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    LED Grow Lights

    Will try to get some pics up soon
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    Led Users Unite!

    As stated in another post, I just got started with an LED system. Joined this group in hopes of learning more on how to optimize my production. One great thing about LEDs is how cool they run, about 100 deg. The plants I have seem to be really enjoying them, filling out nicely!
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    LED Grow Lights

    Ahoy, Newby grower long (loonnnggg) time user. I got an LED grow light from sunshine systems, good for 5 sq ft. Had a few already established plants in pots and put them under my new light. WOW! you can almost watch them grow, leafing out very nicely after just 1 week. So, the question...