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    I Once.

    I once lived in the Utah desert for 10 weeks
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    about outdoor to indoor&flowering

    I've had a plant outside for about 3 months now, (in the southern US) and it's just the time for the hours of the day to go on for longer than 12/12 like it has been so i want a quick harvest off of this thing before it gets all fucked up from the light change and if I put it under a 90 watt...
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    theres some of this shit growing near me, I don't have shit to do for the next few days with no herb say i eat one of the seed pods, what will the trip be like?
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    Looking good
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    Microwaving and eating weed

    when I did this i mixed a 4th of some really bad shwag into the peanut butter and microwaved it for a while.... put that shit onto saltine crackers ate all of them trying not to vomit and it tasted like ball cheese mixed with mold & I wasnt even buzzed don't do it
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    Seeds from '78

    Are you going to pollinate the 78' plants? Who knows, it could be some long lost strain right there
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    B.c. Outdoor Grow 2008

    This will work
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    EASY way to eat weed

    Can you do this in the microwave? And how much weed per peanut butter do you use?
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    Tolerance is a bitch

    Quit for a month, and your tolerance will be reset back to how you were on day one its worth it
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    Autoflowering strains outdoors its run by the same dude who ran dr chron but I still need to know if they grow outdoors, so im not wasting my time
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    Autoflowering strains outdoors

    I just put in an order for the lowlife random automatic seeds, and my plan is to grow some of these outdoors this spring so I can have my own stash over the summer. the weather is already great for growing but I heard somewhere that these don't fare well outside, and growing indoors isn't an...
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    Afghan Kush and Hashberry *nice pictures*

    really want to see how this afghan kush turns out, it seems like a really interesting strain
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    Quick question about the soil

    Shit I've had my plants in some MG soil since early January and they're doing fine just outgrowing their pots but this is a different kind of soil for a different flower I guess I'll just get some organic soil this weekend
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    Quick question about the soil

    anyone? yes or no
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    My pot movie

    Browndirtwarrior is the shit.
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    Quick question about the soil

    So I just went to the store and the only soil they had was miracle grow special for orchids, so I bought it but this won't be bad for my plants, right? I have two that have been going for a month now, and I'm about to transplant them but I'm just making sure
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    Mayday, Mayday, Code Blue, One Adam 12, One Adam 12!

    Move to Texas, you get easy Marijuana laws and Austin is a kick ass city. Anywhere else in Texas sucks though
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    Automatic strains that ship to the USA

    looks like the Doc is back thx dood
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    My pot movie
