Search results

  1. cosmicUtensil

    Atomic Haze

    thx Therapy... well, that doesn't sound too reassuring. I've been searching everywhere, and seen some success with super lemon hazes under 13 42w cfls (check out Chipp, he got 6.5oz). we will see how I do, I have four 100w (300w equivalent) 2700's for flowering... wish me luck...
  2. cosmicUtensil

    Atomic Haze

    A haze specialist told me that cfl's dont really pack the punch to get haze ripened the correct way, so i'm a little concerned about that. (he also recommended pruning the bottom 1/3 of the plant, and the top, to get more condensed buds) I'm planning on LST to keep it as condensed as possible...
  3. cosmicUtensil

    Atomic Haze

    hey, i'm about to start my first grow with atomic haze, any tips? Planning on vegging with three 85w 6500 CFLs, and flowering with four 105W 2700 CFLs. ($$ is tight now). Maybe going to add one or two small cfls of opposite color with each, as well. What do you think?
  4. cosmicUtensil

    Super sized CFL monster

    how did you wire those bad boys?
  5. cosmicUtensil

    first grow two weeks old looking good CFL stealth box

    How are your CFL's working? I have a very confined space (and very confined wallet), so i'm currently planning out a CFL operation for vegging and flowering. I have about 17.5" x 22.5" of area to work with. One space is 20.5" tall (for vegging) and another is 74.5" tall (for flowering). what...
  6. cosmicUtensil

    clone transport

    I'd like to take a few clone clippings from a friend's plant on an airplane (9hr flight) to begin rooting after I arrive. Could a clipping survive this journey in a sealed container? Maybe I could clip it extra-long, then re-clip in a better spot after I arrive? I think it would have to survive...