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  1. X

    Ultra Minimal Outdoor Grow

    just had it out they will be so happy i used to save splif rochs and after about a month i would give them to a homeless guy and a pack of papers i had one guy who thaught i was fucking with him lol anyway i say dont grow on a forclosed lot just asking for trouble imo anyway good luck be safe peace
  2. X

    When is too late?

    as long as your happy with what comes out of it then it was worth it either way good luck be safe peace
  3. X

    Outdoor Guerilla Grow: Slugs & Earthworms & Smell

    keep up the good work man and use a shovel to remove the salt like the other guy said anyway good luck be safe happy growing
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    The Latest Bullshit Out Of Indiana

    let people get abortion if they want whos right is it to tell people diffrent just because of your op fuck that just because you dont think its right does not make it wrong. no there killing unborn kids ok but tell me that kid would be better off in a foster home or with a mother who dident want...
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    Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?

    enough yes going to jail sucks then dont brack the law and if you do then dont bitch about it be a fucking man and deal with your mistake yes privet prisons are slave factorys for every one who gets to go there the romans and egyptions had slaves to and most wernt black way longer then 500 years...
  6. X

    ip tracking...? can they?

    they can but i am sure both of our gov have way bigger thing to worry about then people talking about growing weed and just dont post a pic of your face or use your real name or tell people where you live (and i mean street names ect) you will be fine and if it helps there is a safety thing...
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    40 watt flourescent plant tubes vs CFL

    plants look good dont dought yourself you will do fine and i have to side with stone on this one why not use both unless there is a reason not to or you just dont want to lol either way good job so far bro good luck keep up the good work peace
  8. X

    Day 3 of flowering! One Lady so far!! [Log] w/pics

    looks good man good job on keeping them alive they looked kinda poor at first then boom now look at em and i know yellowing of leaves is normal in the flowering phase but i think 3 weeks is to soon it might a mag def or n def not sure but your best bet is to just spend a few hours on here and i...
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    Stealth Cabinet Build!

    thank you for awnsering my questions sub
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    Stealth Cabinet Build!

    looks great thats what i want to do just cant find the right cab i got some questions for you if you dont mind 1.what are the dimensions of your cab 2.what type of lighting are you going to use are you going to mount your intake/exhaust fans/ what type of fans 4.if you use a filter how are...
  11. X

    my pc grow box

    looks good keep up the good work
  12. X

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    legally flying why did this guy say all this shit to you Fuck you legally flying. and your mom and your stupid ass avatar. you are a fuckin dick. Eat a giant dick. . Im glad your just just an avatar cus I would seriously whoop your ass you fuckin asshole shut the Fuck up you little flea ass bitch
  13. X

    on cops radar how would you handle it?

    hey and if they kick your door in and put a gun in your face and shoot your dog you can sue the shit outa them and rename the police force something cool just sayin lol ok but yah you souldent have anything to worry about tell your nabores to keep there nose outa your shit and every day at...
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    12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow

    ps a hps would help hahahah or more then one cfl
  15. X

    12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow

    thats what i did with my first grow a bagseed and a specker box and mg fert and one 42 watt 2700k cfl lol got 5gs dry lol i guess not bad for a noob it works try it i would use clones but it dont reaily mater i guess. peace
  16. X

    Pissed on my Plant

    cum on it you will get fat buds
  17. X

    70 Watt HPS??

    if you go with cfls stay between 26 and 42 actual watts not equivalent watts. you will need 6500 k (k=kelven witch is the color temp of light) for veg and 2700 k for flower and for one plant you want at least 6 at the min but thats just my opinion its not right or wrong its what works for me you...
  18. X

    90 Degrees In Flower Cab

    cover up your heater vent/turn off heater and open your room window and cool off your room then inturn it will cool off your closet thats what i had to do it worked but kinda a pain in the ass and my next door neighbor thaught i was crazy it being late winter and all lol there are pros and cons...
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    Carbon Filters And Odor Control

    diy its not to hard and its cheap and works
  20. X

    large PC Grow 70whps cool tube LST

    looks good where did you get your 70 watt hps at and how much you pay for it if you dont mind me asking thanks eirther way peace