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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I hear ya but it definitely sounds better than throwing away alot of good bud that has been infected with worms so I am trying that this year to see what happens since I got ruled with worms last year and I even sprayed BT bastards still got me. I have my girls where they get full sun from 7 in...
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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Has anyone tried to put window screening around your girls to actually keep out the moths?
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    Plants Still Flowering Outside! Pics! It's May! Please Help

    I had same problem last year my plants flowered on me and I let them go and they ended up reveging. I ended up with close to 9 oz off of 2 plants. Patients is key so I would let them go and you will start to see new shoots growing out of the buds, its gonna look weird for awhile but you will be...
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    San Diego Growing Season

    I live in North County SD and mine just startyed showing in the last few days.
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    Should i move the plant to a bigger pot????

    I'd go 3 gallon it should only get a couple feet plus if it gets to tall top it
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    My outdoor decided to bud early and create mutant leaves ... pics

    Same gig for me dude my ladies are only 10 inches tall and full on budded out because I put themk out to early. I have the same leaves your pics show and my plants have been budding since mid may. I am gonna let mine go because one has actually started growing out of the bud with a bunch of...
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    Tomato Clones

    cut the suckers that come out of the fork, put it in a glass of pure water and it'll sprout roots in about 5 days.
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    Can Anyone Tell Me What Kind Of Bug Is This?

    Lady bug Larvae very beneficial, keep them don't kill them.
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    What Determines the heat of a Pepper?

    I have done research on jalapeno's and it is not the climate, how much you water, or nutes. It is just the strain of the plant. I have a jalapeno that I have been growing for 3 years now and the lil bastards are never hot, now last year I bought another jalapeno plant to see if those peppers...
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    growing bubba kush outside

    so I am getting 11 hours of direct sunlight and my girls are starting to grow out now finally! Hoping for a nice harvest
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    clones will they revert back to veg?

    they'll go back just be patient, you can't see the growth when you see them everyday, no matter what they will always be a girl so let it go and reap the harvest.
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    need help!! my cuttings are flowering way to early!!

    let it go dude they'll revert i have the same problem and it took mine 3 weeks to go back and i am getting veg growth again.
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    1 ft Plant Flowering in MAY!!! Need Opinions.

    Let it go they'll revert back to veg stage.
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    my plants are already flowering...need help...

    Hey dude i'm having the same problem my bubba kush full on budded out on me and people were telling me to hack it but i let it go and it is finally showing signs of veg stage again. Plus I have been hitting mine with fox farm grow big 6-4-4 mixed with natures nectar nitrogen, mixed to half...
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    Any Morel Hunters?

    yeah buddy it is that time in the midwest. I don't get to hunt them anymore living on the west coast but i get lots of pics from my buddies in MO. I will say this they are the best tasing mushrooms i have ever had, you should send me some my man.
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    growing bubba kush outside

    i'm thinking it gets around 8hrs of sun each day maybe more, i'll keep ya'll posted, thanks for the info fellow tokers
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    down around escondido area what you got growing

    down around escondido area what you got growing
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    busted outdoors!

    i have heard ghetto birds flying around and they use a special light because the leaves light up with this light they use, as far as it being true i don't know for sure, fuck it go with it
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    growing bubba kush outside

    right on man thats what i'm gonna do is let it go and continue to hit with compost tea mixed with fox farm grow big, i think that should help snap it back into veg stage plus the days are getting longer anyway, i'll keep ya updated though man.
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    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    hell man I live in socal san diego area threw some bubba kush out in mid march and they are flowering already and they are only around 8 to 9 in. tall or so i'm hoping they go back to veg stage and stretch a little more. I wanted one to go all summer like i had last year, but if not i guess i'll...