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  1. greengo sico

    Trimming question - larger fan leaves covering bud sites

    shame bout the loss of ur 1st grow dude, eres up to a wee minuits silence 4 it.................................................... lol neway enjoy ur smoke, im sure u will :bigjoint:
  2. greengo sico

    Trimming question - larger fan leaves covering bud sites

    alrite dude thats a wkd lokin plant u got thr, how long were u in vegg 4? bk 2 ur question about fan leavs: yeh take them off 4 sure as your plant has a wkd amount of foliage neway. those fan leavs r only thr 2 start off the new growth that comes frm them neway. once u get 2 a few nodes on a...
  3. greengo sico

    What ya g0t in y0ur garden, cl0set 0r r00m this seas0n?

    well folks iv got a few things on the go to say the least lol. :) my crop's made up of : *ak48 - i think its totaly awsum. bit of a favorite of mine. *brainstorm - does exactly wat is says on the tin! *northern lights - this is sumthn else id be gutted if i neva smoked again, old skl weed...
  4. greengo sico

    looking for advice

    alrite dude, iv had them wilting randomley b4. im not sure on wat the temp is converted but if it gets hotter than 34 celsius you'll get sum serious wiltig like. try shaking her by hand a few times a day like it was really windy. over 2 or 3 days she should straiten up again as you encourage...
  5. greengo sico

    Help me,i am torn

    [ slostrich, dude iv bn reading all the replys you'v ad and it seems every 1 has sumthn diffrent to say but quite rightly so coz no matter how you go about it you just cant beat smoking your own! its awsum!!! eather way im sure you'll be fine as once you get them started its prty damn hard 2...
  6. greengo sico

    u still on ere dude

    u still on ere dude
  7. greengo sico

    HomeMade DIY show off your best idea!

    matanuskavalley. alrite dude i iv just been reading your threads about your d i y co2 and i am prty impressed and verry intreuged. how big a room or how many plants is your set up suited to as id quite like to try your idea for a crop? oh one more thing if you dont mind, is this system you...
  8. greengo sico

    hi , need help

    alrite dude i cant find the thread you said to check out for the diy co2. wat was it again?