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  1. mrchocolate

    My first grow of the year(just a warm up grow)

    All bag seeds, 7 plantz I Know I got 1 girl, and other 1z are unknown for now. Im puttin all of them in 12/12 Next Thursday. Here are some pikz the first 1z are from the 10th of this month(March) and the second 1z are from the 20th of this month
  2. mrchocolate

    What ya g0t in y0ur garden, cl0set 0r r00m this seas0n?

    Hi :bigjoint:fell0w gr0wers, I g0t 1 girl and 2 unkn0wn plants(h0pen they girls t00:-) my br0ther just g0t a w0nder package. He g0t 20 seeds f0r $75 and 110 free one5:-D. What are yall gr0win?