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  1. J

    Cfl adapters wheeere?

    I'm not sure what's out in the UK but most, if not all, basic hardware stores in the US carry them.
  2. J

    Just harvested my first of two plants :) +pics

    For that, I do apologize. I kind of got fed up with some of the members on here, constantly belittling new growers and getting annoyed with people asking for advice (isn't that what this forum is all about?) Anyway, We've officially smoked everything we got from Euforia and Brainstorm, both...
  3. J

    Need Help! Brainstorm 6th week of Flowering, dying by the day!

    Hey man, I got your PM. From the looks of em, they look pretty close to what mine was looking like. My schedule from that grow was off by almost a week, so pictures I labeled week 6 were actually between 5 and 6 so mine may not look as far along as yours. But once she really started packing...
  4. J

    Molly---MDMA-----A Different experience

    So basically the only thing you disagree with is what 'Sass' refers to, and whether or not it has psychoactive properties. Everything else you said just reiterates what I already said, like if it's brown it most likely contains MDP2P, and PURE MDMA is white, asshat. And since we're posting...
  5. J

    Molly---MDMA-----A Different experience

    Just a couple edits.. Sass refers to Sassafras, a type of foliage tree which contains Safrole and when ingested can cause feelings of euphoria and hallucinations in higher doses. Pure MDMA should be a snowflakey white, with a possible yellow-tint. Anything else is most likely MDA or MDP2P...
  6. J

    General Question about power usage monitoring by provider- Pennsylvania

    I think you'll be fine. Top-end computers these days pull upwards of 1000W when under high-load, and with the possibility of other juice sucking electronics like an A/C, 2,000 KWH I don't think is too much to worry about.
  7. J

    CFL With Ballast

    Hey man, sorry for mistyping output in there, didn't mean to set you off on some holier-than-thou tangent. Pretty quick to jump on my ass. On a side note, urine's sterile.
  8. J

    CFL With Ballast

    Thousands of volts? I thought they ranged from 115V - 277V? What I said was if the CFL is NOT self-ballasted then it shouldn't be much of an issue if the voltages match. And again, watts in this case don't really matter, what you're looking at is if the voltages match and how many amps the...
  9. J

    CFL With Ballast

    Why has no one said yet that watts don't matter. IF the HID ballast output is 120V then the only thing you've got to worry about is running two ballasts. If the CFL has a self-ballast then just disconnect the HID ballast and run straight to the socket. Wattage really doesn't matter if the...
  10. J

    Plant stems unreasonably weak

    How's your ventilation? A steady breeze causes the stem to flex and build itself up stronger.
  11. J

    how many plants can I grow in Colorado

    A quick search in Google came up with this. Wasn't very hard to find.. "Caregivers are entitled to manufacture or possess medical marijuana in order to provide that medicine to the patient. After approval by the Health Department, both the patient and the primary caregiver should be...
  12. J

    couple questions w/bud pics

    Yes, I know and understand that, but since very few of the pistols had even changed to brown yet, the plants most certainly still have a bit of time. It's a good way to tell if you've still got a little bit. Trichomes are the best indicator when you're getting down to a couple days before harvest.
  13. J

    White PVC sheet?

    Just so you know, PVC does not come in rolls or sheets. What you're thinking of is just plain old plastic, which does come in rolls and like the guy above me said, just search for Panda Film and you'll find what you're looking for. Also, any local indoor grow shop should have something similar.
  14. J

    White PVC sheet?

    You mean like a roll of white plastic?
  15. J

    how is this looking please

    If you want a better yield.
  16. J

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    This is exactly what we were debating. We know that smaller CFLs have higher lumen/watt ratios than their bigger brothers, what we wanted to know is if it's actually true that five 1000 lumen bulbs produce 5000 lumens or if it's just 1000 lumens spread out over a greater space. Some facts to...
  17. J

    Please tell me what this is?????

    Haha! It still makes me laugh every time I hear/read someone say that. Or when I see those posters with Obama and a mustache that bears quite a resemblance to Hitler's because of cut backs to Nasa funding. Seriously? I'm not sure a comparison of Nasa budget cuts to a genocidal maniac...
  18. J

    mold on dry bud

    Uh.. There's more of a threat from soap scum and dirty hot water pipes than smoking something that's actually covered in mold? That makes no sense, man. Changing out your hot water pipes? Where in the hell did you 'come across' this information? Inhaling mold spores and being exposed to...
  19. J

    what 42w cfl i need

    Your first grow is all about trial and error. That's how you learn what works and what doesn't and it'll give you a better idea on how to up your yields for your next grow. It's all about learning as you go, so try not to be discouraged by people. The best advice I can give you is read, read...
  20. J

    mold on dry bud

    Agreed. Just inhaling low concentrations of mold spores without your knowledge in your house can adversely affect your health in a lot of ways. Deliberately inhaling a higher concentration by smoking mold-ridden buds is a sure-fire way to shave some years off your life.