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  1. "LIFE"


    As in plant matter I mean bud, 1 gram of bud goes for £10 all day long here that's £280 an Oz which is $500 give or take so face up to it tip top token you fucking mug
  2. "LIFE"


    yeah $350 for plant matter not bubble.. here in the UK an Oz of shit weed goes for near on $500
  3. "LIFE"


    Yeah ok mate you carry on spamming your way to 10k posts pointless load on the server, enjoy everyone..
  4. "LIFE"


    stay away from this spacker guys, ***mail is great, and who do I think I am talking to pmsl you mug
  5. "LIFE"


    Nah that a lie, just a +1 to your spam count 8000 posts in 9 months its little mugs like you that fuck things like ***MAIL for everyone else
  6. "LIFE"

    100 US combat troops going to Uganda

    the US will be going after money, oil or minerals, why would they give a fuck about any form of suffering anywhere in the world, america has a great landscape but all of this zenephobia and chronic patriotism those people are thick as shit, americas authoritarians need to be shot in the head for...
  7. "LIFE"

    100 US combat troops going to Uganda

    are you fucking retarded or something, the US is trying to take over the world, they have attacked the middle east, asia, now they are going after the catholic church and Africa who have been supressed for 100's of years now the want their oil and minerals, hilary clinton george bush. obama and...
  8. "LIFE"


    come on bud you must understand the op?
  9. "LIFE"

    Hi, I'm Bethany (Hi Bethany)

    I'm sure I will never meet you and there is so much in this world I will never experience, what a strange existance, I need to get out of this crazy depression and sort my life out, just to say little lady good luck and I hope someone embraces your fine ass the way I would like to, peace.
  10. "LIFE"

    Hi, I'm Bethany (Hi Bethany)

    hi no I would embrace your arts & crafts as they are part of your identity I would be travelling over 3000 miles
  11. "LIFE"

    Hi, I'm Bethany (Hi Bethany)

    hi can I move in with you
  12. "LIFE"

    Hi, I'm Bethany (Hi Bethany)

    bethanybrawndo are you not worried about one of your students or fellow teachers seeing your image on this grow site tbh you are @ more risk posting up your pic and admitting you smok weed than growing and keeping your sexy mouth shut
  13. "LIFE"


    follows the rules so does it for me mate
  14. "LIFE"


    Hi, just wanting to use ***MAIL but am shitting myself thinking about it has anyone got success stories?, I am thinking of going 1/2 of bubble**** for $420, (this is not MOM talk this thread has been worded in a way that it could be about anything what other members choose to say afterwards is...
  15. "LIFE"

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    That nice innit, y dont you think before you speak
  16. "LIFE"

    Yo Beardo

    Earth? might as well put US as your location
  17. "LIFE"

    Yo Beardo

    wow .......
  18. "LIFE"

    Yo Beardo

    ahh thats better qXg7t3gr6Zc
  19. "LIFE"

    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    Jesus christ Ron Paul all I ever hear is fucking Ron Paul aahhhhhghhhhh
  20. "LIFE"

    perfect lights for closet grow??

    ya inbox is full person who i was just pm'ing!