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  1. lacquerhead

    Help with weird yellowing PIC

    This plant is about a week and a half into flower. Right before i took it out the veg room it was my strongest healthiest plant.She vegged under LEDs and CFLS. I run a 600 Hps in my flower room. The discoloration is only on the top half of the plant all the lower leaves appear fine. I thought...
  2. lacquerhead

    Why are my clones flowering? W/pics

    that is exactly what mine looked like! they're actually showing some normal growth now.Gonna flower em soon.
  3. lacquerhead


    i agree. Cheap leds are good for a veg sitiuation though. I have a Led panel in my veg room and i got no gripes. I dont think id ever try to flower with Leds unless i had the money for a proper setup. HID is tried and true.
  4. lacquerhead

    flowering under 18/6

    yeah i had some clones i got from another grower start to flower in my veg room.My guess is it was stress. The clones i got were clones of clones of clones of clones. I think the sudden environment change from his Grow op to mine freaked em out.They started to flower so i switched to 24 hours to...
  5. lacquerhead

    Need help with cloning!!

    In addition to a heat mat, dome ,and magic goo which are essential,I would recommend scraping the off first layer of skin about a 1/2 inch up from your fortyfive degree cut. Dont go crazy, just scrape it till you expose the light green. I would also recommend to split the cut end down the...
  6. lacquerhead

    Why are my clones flowering? W/pics

    the one right before mine
  7. lacquerhead

    Grow Box Construction

    a fan is always necessary, they're not just for cooling your lights. no air movement=no new Co2. with a little research you'll find that Co2 is very important when it comes to growing good dope. you should have a intake and a outtake. you could probably get away with computer fans in such a...
  8. lacquerhead

    Why are my clones flowering? W/pics

    really? completely normal? this will be my fourth grow with clones and ive never seen anything like this. where did you here that?
  9. lacquerhead

    Why are my clones flowering? W/pics

    word, well im gonna contact him tomorrow and get the full story on these clones. thanks guys
  10. lacquerhead

    Why are my clones flowering? W/pics

    So i recently acquired some sour diesel clones from a medical growing buddy about a week ago. When i went to red cup em today i noticed that almost all of them are flowering. This is weird cause they've never been outside my veg room(20on/4off) and they weren't flowering when i got them. So...
  11. lacquerhead

    Inside Sun company a ripoff?

    i just checked out their website and i hope you didnt buy lights cause that shit looks cheap as hell. Cheap ballasts and bulbs are more likely to burn your house down. stick with the tried and true brands and youll have way less shit to worry about.
  12. lacquerhead

    Guess that yield!

    at least 12 pounds...
  13. lacquerhead

    CO2 question

    thanks for the feed back guys! but im not worried about c02 burning the plants im worried about the light. i had some minor buring from having the light to close to my tops a few weeks ago. guess they grew a little too fast:). The blower that cools my light is also my exhaust. so by turning off...
  14. lacquerhead

    CO2 question

    When you turn on your co2 your supposed to turn off all fans and blowers. my question is how long can my blower be off before my 600 hps gets too hot. im just worried of burning the tops of my plants. i can only raise my light another 1 inch
  15. lacquerhead


    same kind of bulb in an easy bake oven. get a cfl or youl get easy bake
  16. lacquerhead

    Quick and Simple Watering Question

    so this a maybe a case of newbs leading newbs but allow me to offer my two cents. From everything ive read and from my own limited experience this is what ive found: dont sweat it! Its a weed, by definition it will grow even if you dont want it to. If your plants need really water they will...
  17. lacquerhead

    Thank you everyone on Rollitup!

    Hello everyone! Ive been lurking for about 2 months and Ive learned a butt load about growing my favorite herb from you guys. I'm three weeks in to my first grow and things are going great.They look so good(knock on wood!). Ill try and get around to posting some pics,but again, thank you guys...