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  1. GrowItGreen

    Starting in November Nirvana will be shipping from the U.S.

    I actually liked them before this and was pretty excited to see how it worked out. They now ship to from the US but cost 2 to 3 times as much as before, with their current 25% off store wide. You can buy their seeds from other sites cheaper than you can from them directly and likely get free...
  2. GrowItGreen

    what can this be?

    Just so you know everyone is busting your balls because one leaf can't really tell the story. A full picture of the plant and a description of your set up would be more ideal. Also it is more than likely that your problem is covered in a sticky.
  3. GrowItGreen

    Outside grow help... Whats the best nutes to enhance my yield in these last 4-6 weeks

    Maybe I'm reading this wrong cause I'm tired but you guys have been saying the same thing back and forth and confusing the OP. HB said he should add N to keep the leave green to finish. You eDude said he should be using the grow with the bloom when he wasn't...thus he should add N. To me you...
  4. GrowItGreen


    If you are using Fox Farm they provide a feeding chart on their site but I prefer to work up to full strength even in soil plus I have heard that FF soil is hot nute wise to begin with but I have never used it personally. Also I'm not a huge fan of MG...
  5. GrowItGreen

    only 1000 watt hps

    This post was SIX MONTHS AGO
  6. GrowItGreen

    arent my "bud leaves" too big?

    Well if you let them they will grow during veg and give you multiple buds on a branch as appose to just one where a branch would grow.
  7. GrowItGreen

    arent my "bud leaves" too big?

    What exactly do you mean? If I'm understanding you correctly, you are asking about the small branches growing. I don't know what you mean too big but if you continue in veg they will grow into larger branches...I don't see anything wrong.
  8. GrowItGreen

    How many neo-cons?

    A merkin (first use, according to the OED, 1617) is a pubic wig, originally worn by prostitutes after shaving their genitalia to eliminate lice or disguise the marks of syphilis. There are many different ways of wearing a merkin, although most involve placing the merkin on the vulva or the...
  9. GrowItGreen

    How many neo-cons?

    I think that was the first post that I didn't have to look a word up.
  10. GrowItGreen

    Bob Barr for president

    I just want to say that it makes me proud to see so much hate on a thread that I started (even if it is mostly off topic hate), its like raising a child to that later becomes a famous serial killer. It brings a tear to my eye.:clap:
  11. GrowItGreen

    How many neo-cons?

    Just to get off topic here for a moment, I just wanted to say that both of you (CC and MM) have quite impressive vocabularies. Also MM the blame the jews thing is a bit over the top.
  12. GrowItGreen

    Leave Obama Alone!!!

    No not a fan of that either.
  13. GrowItGreen

    Bob Barr for president

    I rather like that quote
  14. GrowItGreen

    Contemplating Hydro

    Google worked pretty good for me as far as finding really basic things, I guess I'm just cheap and prefer to pay for as little as possible.
  15. GrowItGreen

    Bob Barr for president

    What do you mean? I agree legalization alone is not a good reason to vote for someone.
  16. GrowItGreen

    Bob Barr for president

    It is true that was against a lot of things that he is for now, however he doesn't try to cover that up. He faces his mistakes and now advocates for legalization among other things. Also I have definitely consider that this maybe a ploy just to tell people what they want to hear (he is a...
  17. GrowItGreen

    Harvest Time

    Wouldn't have guessed Cfl's, even more impressive.
  18. GrowItGreen

    Harvest Time

    Did you go by trichome color, the hairs or just time? I go by the hairs personally and I don't remember exactly how long it took on my first two 3, 3 1/2 months. I didn't document it but it seemed like forever, switched to hydroponics after that.
  19. GrowItGreen

    Harvest Time

    Nice quantity, maybe a little early. My first one wasn't even close to that main cola. How many days of flowering?
  20. GrowItGreen

    Bob Barr for president

    Yeah, I think his past voting record as a Republican will loose him some votes but if nothing else hopefully he/the Libertarian's will get on the ballot in more states.