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    No Problems here. Ordered WW, Ice, Crystal and free Afghani. So far 23 out of 25 popped planted WW 8/10 females. Crystal 10/10 last grow 7 fems. Pure Afghani 3/5 fems. Haven't germed the ice yet, but expectations are HIGH now. Nice stealth packaging. 12 days mail time to west coast.

    Starting a San Diego Medi clone vendor/club?

    YO Statik, I too live in SD. damn Chargers lol. I know 99 plants is the Feds limit. Over that and it's byebye for a long time. Don't drop the soap and all that. Do you know something about the business? or just trying to supplement income? I have taken a class on MJ law. I don't know how to get...

    Fisrt time legal medical grow Dual 600w WW Trinity Mystery seed

    I have not started a journal and probably won't until I really know what I'm doing. NUG porn is a beautiful thing though. As far as the 12/12 to show sex I don't know positively but it sure would seem to be for both sexes to show and continue on with the species it would have to. I will stay...

    Fisrt time legal medical grow Dual 600w WW Trinity Mystery seed

    MTMJ, Sweet looking grow. That sure looks like balls hanging on that mystery weed. Watch them closely, meaning get them out soon before they get lucky. heheheh. Have you noticed the cloned plants grow much faster than the seed plants? I really wish I would have invested in clones this time...

    digital 1,000 on dimmer?

    MT Marijuana, I know that the NEWER ballasts are different than the old. I was told that lamp life will be shortened if you dim a higher wattage bulb just as Sleepy79 wrote. What I write is all straight from Lumatek. BTW I did man up and put my babies under full 1000 watts for 2 days, then...

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Here is my situation: 1) soil - 6 cu ft Kelloggs N'Rich with 10 cu ft humic compost. 3 cups added Bone Meal. 1/4 cup added Epsom Salts. Dozen cups Wood ashes added. The N'Rich has Kelp, Bat Guano & Chicken Manure. 7 gallon containers. 2) Rain watered. Use moisture meter 3) 8...

    cleanin your honey oil for smooth perfection

    I have tried making the Butane Honey Oil and produced some really fine stuff. I also smoked the Honey Oil from the 1970's. BHO is nothing like the OG Honey Oil. Honey Oil was sold in small cork topped clear glass vials for $20 in Cali throughout the 70's and was pretty much gone by the mid 80's...

    digital 1,000 on dimmer?

    I planned on using the dim setting to 600w only for a short while to lessen the shock to my babies. They are currently growing under 90w UFO LED. I was afraid they would get smoked by my 1000w and not by me. That would be a bummer, but shortening the life of my lamp would also be wronggggggg...

    Can someone give me some info on using FAN CONTROLLERS please?

    One more thing. I am getting my $20 back for that piece of ssss Speedster fan speed controller. The fan runs only at top speed now. Temp-2v on my to get list...

    Can someone give me some info on using FAN CONTROLLERS please?

    Oh yeah. That Temp-2V is the chill setup for fan cooling. I have seen this product before. Love the way you just set the desired temp to increase the cfm's. I ended up moving my noisyass fan to my attic and ran a 25' section of ducting down through (inside of) the heater ducting. I had some...

    Can someone give me some info on using FAN CONTROLLERS please?

    I also need some help with fan noise. There are two different noises made by an inline fan... the air noise and the motor noise. I have a fan speed controller that adds a loud electronic hammer type sound to the sound of the motor when cutting the speed anywhere below 75%. above 75% the hammer...

    digital 1,000 on dimmer?

    I just purchased the 1000w/120v Dimmable ballast on 2/25/10. The instructions are not very instructive so I called Lumatek (866-369-8943) and they say that I can use 3 different bulbs 600w/750w/1000w. Just set the switch to the right output setting. I can also use a 1000w bulb and still use any...

    New MMJ setup & Digital ballast w/ HPS longevity ?s

    I am planning the following LEGAL setup... also looking for help/comments on any glaring errors or omissions. Any/all input from experienced growers would be greatly appreciated. 1) 10'x6'x8' lwh flower room 2) 4'x4'x8' veg/clone room 3) Both totally enclosed (for future c02 supp) with 3mil...

    Canopy Managment 101

    Hey Sub, What reflector setup would you chose to go as close as safely possible to maximize my lumen efficiency at the furthest point of my grow space. (5'x6'x8'...LxWxH) I will definitely use a 1K HPS but not sure about reflector type. 1) What is the closest a bigass air-cooled hood w/1k...