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  1. T

    best seeds looks to be a good site. has alot of good reviews! although im currently in the same spot as you. btw indica or sativa? you looking for melting into the couch high? or a mind scrambling head high?
  2. T

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    good look fellow stoners!! love to see your nugs in the end.
  3. T

    Am I safe to post grow journal on this site.

    nah i really doubt it.. the government really does have better things to do then worry about a bunch of people growing plants.
  4. T

    So is this strain alright for my first grow?? -newbie-

    So i think im going to start my first grow i just want to see what some more experienced growers have to say.. i think i have found my first strain im going to grow.. and the winner(or loser) is TropiCanna which from my understanding is BigBud x White Widow. ive never smoked it, anyone else? i...
  5. T

    Confused! what strain to grow?

    Hey fellow tokers.. im new to growing i have never grown before and i would like to set up my own little project in the basement. the only problem im having is.. what strain to get? i like to be STONED and ive heard that indicas are good for body highs/couchlock feelings. i just dont want to...
  6. T

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    i love choking victim! no gods no managers album is the BEST when im high! and the song living the laws is trippy with the hidden track at the end.
  7. T

    South Park vs. Family Guy

    yea family guy has no real thought behind it.. as made fun of by southpark in cartoon wars i beleive lol. south park is by far my fav and the best to watch high/sober in my opinion. if i get into an episode of family guy ill probably end up falling asleep or loose interest unless im baked...