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  1. M

    Ready to top or not?

    Do you think this plant is ready to be topped? Or how about super cropped? It's working on it's 4th node right now, with the 5th node's leaves starting to come out as well.
  2. M

    My new & improved grow room! Help with suggestions anyone?

    My current new set up of lights is 8 2700k 20w CFLs and 2 sunlight spec (5500k) 20w CFL and 2 40w 4' sunlight spectrum florescents to lead the growth upward a bit. Total lumens = 16,200 Total square footage = 4 Lumens/Sq. Ft. = 4050 Note that the 4' floros only have about 2' of them actually...
  3. M

    Needing some light help! [With pic!

    I'm honestly disturbed by the amount of light needed by these things. I understand why they need so much light especially with CFL's, which are the only thing I can use, but damn! it's still a lot of light! So basically I'm trying to figure out a way to get about 1/4-1/2 pound yield, period. I...
  4. M

    A few problems and questions [PICS]!

    I'm about 3 weeks into my grow with 2 40w florescents and 2x 20w CFL's just for now, getting more lights soon... but a few of my plants seem to be getting yellow tips on their spear leaves and they are getting kinda brownish and crispy... I'm thinking it was nute burn because I use nuted soil...
  5. M

    A series of questions... any help is greatly appreicated!

    Hey everyone, I'm pretty much brand new into the growing scene, having only experienced growing once before this time, where my plants lacked light, grew too tall, tipped and died. Now, I have a MUCH improved closet grow set up... but I still need assistance! - SET UP - Lights I have 2 4'...