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  1. seedczar

    I cant water my soil without it turning to mud and compacting!

    What is a good seed starting soil?
  2. seedczar

    I cant water my soil without it turning to mud and compacting!

    How do I fix this? As soon as i pour water onto the soil it soaks it all up turning it into mud and making it really compact. But If i dont add enough water the soil isnt wet enough and drys up really quickly. What do I do?
  3. seedczar

    Brand new baby plant

    Yea! Thats what my baby looks like, although the side leaves havent popped out that much yet and the steam is actually a purpleish color. Is that normal?
  4. seedczar

    Brand new baby plant

    Her side leaves are starting to poke out a bit more, but it still hsant opened up yet. The seed casing at the top of the sprout is holding it together still i think.
  5. seedczar

    Brand new baby plant

    Oh and also, im leaving my lights on 24/0 right now. Should I change that or is it okay for the first week or so?
  6. seedczar

    Brand new baby plant

    No serrated leaves have sprouted yet though, its just a tiny little sprout with the seed head still on, its semi opened and I can see the to sets of tiny leaves in the middle, but it hasnt opened up all the way yet.
  7. seedczar

    Brand new baby plant

    Well before I put the sprouted seedling in the soil, i made sure it was real moist and had good water in it. Then I put plastic wrap over the top and waited for it to pop through the surface. When it did, i took off the plastic and kinda just sprinkled a little water on top of the soil, not...
  8. seedczar

    Brand new baby plant

    So my seedling finally sprouted and popped through the ground two days ago. But it hasnt grown anymore, the leaves havent opened up yet and its still just a few centimeters high. Is this normal? Or should it be bigger by now? Im starting to get worried its just going to stay that small and die...
  9. seedczar

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    20 pages and nothing. Still no conclusive statement for leds. what i got was that for some people they work good, for some they dont. I think im still going to use them and cfl combo. I have to grow in my closet of an apartment, not great ventilation. adn im looking to save money everywhere...
  10. seedczar

    LED lighting

    Thanks! IM definatly doing that then :)
  11. seedczar

    LED lighting

    Yay or nay? I would want to use this rather than HID maily becasue of the heat. But does if affect the growth differently? Will I get a good grow from using these?
  12. seedczar

    Ultimate DIY Carbon Scruber Under $100 Fan and All

    So would this also work well to attache to my light as an exhaust? or would i need something more powerfull. 400w hps/mh and the grow area is going to be about 2x4x5.
  13. seedczar

    Jock horror and white widow?

    Starting a grow, these were the seeds I was thinking about going with.Can anyone tell me if these are good choices, and if there are any grow specifics for the strains?
  14. seedczar

    ventilation, cool tube, exhaust questions

    Thanks il keep that in mind :D
  15. seedczar

    ventilation, cool tube, exhaust questions

    Thanks for all your help :D I cant wait to start growing!!!!!
  16. seedczar

    ventilation, cool tube, exhaust questions

    since its going to be a medium sized space, would just using a really good exuasht fan and some lower circulating fans take care of everything. or should i also look into setting up an intake system?
  17. seedczar

    ventilation, cool tube, exhaust questions

    I actually found a link that pretty much explains it very well for me...
  18. seedczar

    ventilation, cool tube, exhaust questions

    so I would need to use an intake fan to pull tha air into the room throught the light and then out through the other side of the light? or does it go straight through the tubbing and go out through the other end?
  19. seedczar

    ventilation, cool tube, exhaust questions

    Im plannind on using a 400w changeable mh/hps light fixture, and it already has tempered glass on it. would i still need to use a cool tube for it? and when setting up the ducts on either side does it matter where i put the inline fan? The only part about this whole process that has me baffled...
  20. seedczar

    Most colorfull strains of weed?

    What are some of the most colorfull strains of weed? I know buds can come in purple and beautifull bright white and blue.