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  1. faded4life

    Seeds in my bud - why?

    i have a small two plant DWC grow. I use only female clones. My last two harvests have some seeds in the buds. Not sure why? The Plants appeared happy throughout, i monitored their ph levels andvthey did not have any stress? Any thought? Buds are nice & large, snow white crystals and healthy...
  2. faded4life

    Seeds in my buds?

    I have two female clones that I got from a dispensary and grew in DWC for the veg and bloom cycles. I recently harvested and found random seeds in some of the buds on one plant. None were exposed to any males and only one has seeds (they grew right next to each other). At the beginning of the...
  3. faded4life

    Plant got droopy overnight! Help!

    Can anyone tell me what to do? Ph is right, temp is right, nuts are fine......HELP!
  4. faded4life

    Clone Question please

    I have clones in small rock wool cubes that have just begun showing roots. How many days should I wait before putting in DWC buckets?:?:
  5. faded4life

    Leaf Curling - Not sure why - Help!

    my plant seems healthy and strong but I noticed some of my leaves curling some what. Any ideas what I need to do or not do? she's at fourth week of veg
  6. faded4life

    Help Needed With Clone

    I cut some larger older leaves off this clone two days ago and this is what happened to it. Any ideas? Not sure what or why..... Thanks!
  7. faded4life

    Strange Leaf Curling

    I'm new to Bubbleponics using a GHWF and noticed that some of my newer leaves are curling strangely sideways.....any ideas what this is from? Any help would be appreciated.......peace.
  8. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    I have a GS Water Farm and was wondering what schedule I should run or my veg cycle? I'm thinking about running the system for 30 minutes every 4 hours during daylight and off during night hours? Any thoughts?
  9. faded4life

    GH Water Farm

    I have a GH Water Farm that I'm about to transfer some clones into. How long should I run the drip and how often? I'm thinking half hour on, two hours off intervals and off during dark hours? Any thoughts would be appreciated. First time doing full hydro... Thanks,
  10. faded4life

    Spots On Leaves

    I'm getting some black spots on the tips of some of my older leaves. Is this something I need to be worried about or am I lacking something (or adding too much of)? Any advice?
  11. faded4life

    600W HPS Light Question

    I have a 600W HPS light that I have been using for at least 3 harvests. I noticed today that the light tends to turn itself off and then right back on (after a slight delay) repeatedly but not consistently. Would this be a ballast problem or do I need to replace my bulb?:?:
  12. faded4life

    Light Green Leaves & Yellowing Edges? Help!

    Noticed my plants leaves turning light green and then yellow....some pics I've seen on the internet indicates possible zinc def.....others tell me it may be a magnesium def.... any thoughts on what it may be? using black gold, 200w pro flourescent, 18/6 & watering at 6.5
  13. faded4life

    Little Help identifying what's wrong....leaves yellowing....zinc def?

    I recently transplanted these babies into 4 gl pots and my leaves this is happening.... Anybody got any idea what this is? zinc def? mg def? too much nutrients?
  14. faded4life

    Recommended Plant to light distance

    I'm running a 600w HPS light in a 4' x 3' foot enclosed & ventilated setup. What's the recommended distance from the light to the top of the plants? I know they can resist some heat but don't want to burn the tops.
  15. faded4life


    I just got some clippings from the lower section of a female plant that I've had on 12/12 for about 7 days. Can I use these for clones? Will they root? If so, will a 'normal' female plant grow? Any help is good.....
  16. faded4life

    Proper PH for watering

    I've seen a lot of different ideas of what the proper ph levels for watering plants. Any feedback on the ideal ph levels for water used for plants in 4 gallon pots with a soil-less mixture (Black Gold)? Right now I'm shooting for 6.0-6.5. Thoughts?:joint:
  17. faded4life

    Leaves Dry Up

    I'm in the third week of blooming and ends of the fan leaves in my buds are drying up and dying. The buds seem healthy and the crystals/hairs are fine. What might be causing this and what should I do to correct. I use very little nutrients aside from guano and worm castings.
  18. faded4life

    Seeds without a male present?

    I was just harvesting the last of my female plants and got about 5 seeds from it. there was never a male plant (the others were clones except this one from seed). This one also took about 3 weeks longer to harvest? Possibilities? Hermie? Are the seeds any good? :?:
  19. faded4life


    Anyone got early pics of a hermie? One of my plants that I grew from a seed has extremely small nodes that don't really grow out. The leaves are huge and green....looks healthy but inner branches not growing out. Anybody with pics?
  20. faded4life

    Boy or Girl Plant???

    Need some help to see if this is a male or female plant. me thinks it's a boy!:shock: ">">">