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  1. woman o´the green

    Sensi Star and White Russian

    Oh man, that looks really nearly like my harvest, maybe a little bit bigger then my. Can send a bigger pic please. I not see so much.
  2. woman o´the green

    Poll : How long to veg ? w/Pic

    I voted for bigger the better. Because you maybe then have there the perfect perfect plant..... Or you not think so? ;)
  3. woman o´the green

    Pussie in the Pot

    I have two cats too and they eat my little seddling. I was so angry. They destroyed everything.....But they must need everything and controll everything. But im still angry. What happened to your cat? The cat was high lol. Just interesting when i start another seedling in january.
  4. woman o´the green

    First Growing with Church Seed

    Hello again, my little plant not make it. The first reason was it grows so slowly. I saw here at the forum seedlings which was twice as bis like mine. And the other thing is a little accident happened to my plant. I was so very angry. But with or without that, im sure my plant not would made...
  5. woman o´the green

    Brownie/Cannabutter recipe for 2 ppl?

    Ok sounds very interesting. But are there any other reciepes, which maybe not taste horrible. Would be so much better, when you can enjoy the brownies/cookies (or whatever) and get then high. Maybe another reciepe, like with meat or so. I dont know. I never cooked before with weed.
  6. woman o´the green

    Brownie/Cannabutter recipe for 2 ppl?

    You made the brownies with a mixture from a bottle? Or made it yourself? You can give me the reciepe then please :)
  7. woman o´the green

    First Growing with Church Seed

    But i think its stay with the good start. Since days i saw no changes at my plant. I think its not making. But i hope im wrong.
  8. woman o´the green

    Brownie/Cannabutter recipe for 2 ppl?

    Tell how the brownies tasted. Im interesting. I want do make some soon too. :)
  9. woman o´the green

    Brownie/Cannabutter recipe for 2 ppl?

    That could be very interesting. I was searching for some nice recipes too. And brownies sounds very very good. So i would be interested in this recipe too or some other recipes too.
  10. woman o´the green

    Sensi Star and White Russian

    Your plants look really good. How you make that :P I wish my little seedling would look like yours...But im so far away from that. I think i do/did something wrong.
  11. woman o´the green

    First Growing with Church Seed

    @ginjawarrior: maybe youre right....i changed the light position and now it seem to be better :) My Plant grow much more....and there are coming out new leaves. But the new leaves look very different then the first. The new leaves now really look like mariuahna. The older leaves roll up in...
  12. woman o´the green

    First Growing with Church Seed

    My plant was growing the last days alot. Ist really amazing. I want show you another picture
  13. woman o´the green

    best book youve ever read

    Anna Karenina That is a amazing book (maybe some people think im crazy haha how can you like Tolstoi). But i think everybody should give it a chance. I like that book really much But i like soooo many other books too. :)
  14. woman o´the green

    what do you use to water?

    Thats interesting for me too, i never thought about that, it could be so much differences. I just use the ordanery water from the water tap. I never correct the ph or something like that, i just use it. I do it the same at my other plants at home too, and i never had problems with something. So...
  15. woman o´the green

    First Growing with Church Seed

    My plant begin to grow. Yesterday it was so quick you can see nearly every hour that some gonna changing.And today it comes really out of the dirt. Im so happy about that. haha before i killed all my plants but now i do my best not to do. Thought before i have the brown thumb not green lol. But...
  16. woman o´the green

    List of stoner movies?

    Meet the Feebles Bube Dame König Gras (Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels) Grasgeflüster Lambock Napoleon Dynamite
  17. woman o´the green

    Which is the best Vaporizer

    Im thinking about buying me a vaporizer, because if heard its a better way to smoke. More comfortable and nice then a joint. I have no experience with that. What are your experience with vaporizers? Where you bought your vaporizers? Or what you think is the best. Or is there even a better way to...
  18. woman o´the green

    First Growing with Church Seed

    Yes its from Greenhouse Seeds. I bought there a mix of seed church, a.m.s and big bang. But till now i cant see nothing, its maybe 4 days in the dirt now. Then i must see soon some results.
  19. woman o´the green

    First Growing with Church Seed

    Hello, im new at this forum and im new at growing. I bought some seeds in Holland. And just started with one of that seeds ( called: church). Because i dont wasted the other seeds if something goes wrong at this first time. First i put the seed on a wet papertowel in a glasbottle on the...