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    Best Joke to Tell High?

    a tourist comes over to australia and wants to buy a few things.. he goes to the bakery and asks for a bum, they say you mean bun? he smiles and buys it. he goes to the hardware store and asks for a fucket, they say you mean bucket? he smiles and buys it. he goes to the vet and asks for a cockan...
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    <OUTDOORS>keeping people away and knowing when there close

    if you really love your spot get a realy thorny bush, and only have one small entry point. wish i got onto mine earlyer, my babies were hedged:wall:
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    one of the best organtic fertilizers ive ever used

    yeh i got a fish pond, %100 rain water and goldfish feces, left over food etc. havent got it on my plants yet, but all in good time haha
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    Why God?... Why?

    sad to hear it man, but i like to think they go to a nicer place. iv lost good friends and i like to think they are still looking down on us.. my thoughts go out to everyone who has lost someone, but as they say its all part of the plan.
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    benifits of cloning?

    im growing outdoors, and i dont think my plants will be killers haha so would it give me any extra bud?
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    benifits of cloning?

    hey guys, wondering what the up and down side to cloning? also, if you clone a male, will it be a male clone and visa versa with females? really, really noob question i know. thanks :peace:
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    im sure you'v been asked this question a million times, forgive me iv looked around and cant seem to find it, while your plants veg what should you feed it? and once its starts flowering what should you give it? thanks alot, very noob question i know