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  1. R

    Is weed actually bad for you?

    inhalation of smoke is inherently damaging to the tissue of the lungs. the active ingredients are not.
  2. R

    impress me for free glass

    a friend bet that i couldnt make acronym poetry of of some words he chose. this was one for the word "mississippi" Midnight inferno, southern solar illumination, sharp sparks of immolation pointedly pierce the iodine. i cheated a bit at the end with the "the". it works without it but sounds...
  3. R

    Is smell truely probable cause?

    i was amazed that he let us go. thank god he didnt see all the equipment. i think even the nicest cop would do something about 2 bongs and 2 bowls and a bunch of dankness. i have a lot of respect for law enforcement. got a few in my family.
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    Is smell truely probable cause?

    i would have liked to but i didnt get his name or badge # or anything to id him by and i figured that there was too much of a chance that it would get him in trouble if i tried to commend him so i didnt do it.
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    i'm atheist and agnostic. i dont know if a god or gods exist and i couldnt care less.. i live by a strict moral code which includes pacifism. my decisions are governed by reason and morals. i tend to put others first before myself which causes some problems but i dont think i could live any...
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    Can you bury large amounts of pot in the proper containers and if so how long?

    the deeper you bury the less the ground temp changes during the year the less likely you will have condensation and mold
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    Is smell truely probable cause?

    yay story time! my friend decides that we (a total of 5 people) should fish bowl his car so he drives to a nice neighborhood on the east side (prov ri) and we park, put on some music, and get to the smoking. 2 bongs and 2 bowls being passed around and packed repeatedly with a mixture of some...
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    Poll : What Will The Results of my Drug Test Be:

    gc/ms (gas chromatograph mass spectrometer) is pretty sensitive. i hope you pass but... i voted fail.
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    Is distilled water organic?

    distilled water is as close to pure h20 as the average person can get. h20 is inorganic.
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    Psychedelics underwater

    it's a good idea if your trying to get nominated for the darwin award.
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    Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

    rob sonic and aesop murs
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    Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

    how about some del? mastermind jaw gymnastics at the helm protoculture
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    Why dry San Pedro

    drying does not increase the amount of the alkaloid it just concentrates it by reducing the water content just like a cook makes a balsamic reduction by heating balsamic vinegar... mmmm fried calamari is great with a balsamic reduction. same amount of acetic acid (what makes vinegar sour) in the...
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    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    and was small and incapable of defending the nation necessitating a militia during wartime not during peace joke or not it is still useful in making a point. is execution fair punishment for theft? no.
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    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    and your missing a a crucial aspect of the second amendment, it's intent (militia). was the woman who's handbag was stolen forming a militia at the bus stop? no! is a man now dead who did not deserve to die? yes! laws and constitutions are open to interpretation (which is why our constitution...
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    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    A well regulated Militia..., being necessary... to the security of a free State..., the right... of the people... to keep and bear Arms,... shall not be infringed. i can put ... in between words to make my point too
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    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." you missed a bit there. keep in mind that it was written at the birth of the nation when our only means of defense was a militia. you can talk...
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    Is it bad that I want to go to war?

    "He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice." Einstein
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    where do you growers here stand politically? conservative or a liberals?

    marxist-socialist end of the spectrum for me
  20. R

    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    the intention of the second amendment was to provide the means to form a militia. at the time the u.s. government could not afford to form a military let alone arm one. it was never intended for your average citizen to be carrying around firearms for personal defense during times of peace. did...