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  1. R

    Spectra Unit 90watt Led grow, almost done.Whe got buds...

    Hey Dok, That`s the longest couple of days I`ve ever seen, dude. Let`s go already! - RT
  2. R

    Spectra Unit 90watt Led grow, almost done.Whe got buds...

    Cool. We waited this long, a few more days ain't goin' to kill us now! Just glad to hear you're okay and plannin' to update the info, soon as possible. - RT
  3. R

    Spectra Unit 90watt Led grow, almost done.Whe got buds...

    Hey Dok! Loved the LED show, dude, but where's those promised pictures and info on your dried bud yield? We're dyin' to know, bro'. Hope you're okay. Keep it green and safe! Props, dude. RT