Search results

  1. RedRice

    Killer Green Hydro kit?

    I bumped into this on ebay, and I have only had experience with soil grow and wanted to dry this method instead. Now I know one can build a DWC system for cheap by just visiting the store, etc. but I just wanted to know if this kit in specific would do the trick along with those lights, i'm a...
  2. RedRice

    Killer Green Hydro Kit?

    I bumped into this on ebay, and I have only had experience with soil grow and wanted to dry this method instead. Now I know one can build a DWC system for cheap by just visiting the store, etc. but I just wanted to know if this kit in specific would do the trick along with those lights, i'm a...
  3. RedRice

    Killer Green Hydro kit?

    :wall::?:I bumped into this on ebay, and I have only had experience with soil grow and wanted to dry this method instead. Now I know one can build a DWC system for cheap by just visiting the store, etc. but I just wanted to know if this kit in specific would do the trick along with those lights...
  4. RedRice

    hey you! Im living in tampa now :bigjoint:

    hey you! Im living in tampa now :bigjoint:
  5. RedRice

    Killer Green DWC kit...

    :wall::?:I bumped into this on ebay, and I have only had experience with soil grow and wanted to dry this method instead. Now I know one can build a DWC system for cheap by just visiting the store, etc. but I just wanted to know if this kit in specific would do the trick along with those lights...
  6. RedRice

    in serious need of some dating advice

    Listen honesty is the best policy, I'm not saying to flat out tell the first two girls that you like a third girl over them, but especially your gf of 3yrs deserves for you to sit down and tell her listen i don't feel the same anymore and i don't think it's fair to you to continue this...
  7. RedRice


    lol! [: <3 thanks for being kind. Organic Choice for one, lights 150w each (blue) but i think this is my main problem, they are plant lights, so i know I'll need at least 250watts of possibly some hps correct? Can you guys point me in the correct direction as far as lights go in order to go and...
  8. RedRice


    I am a total newb & i wanted to know what you guys thought about my two babies, according to what you can tell from the pictures. No idea the sex yet. Any help, helps. Thanks & sorry for the lack of information, i don't know what to give. :joint:
  9. RedRice

    Birthday Toke

    :eyesmoke: Just thought i should share how i welcomed my 22nd birthday at midnight, with a nice dark beer and a good rolled toke :bigjoint: Happy Birthday to me! Enjoy my day of birth this fine March 10th, and even if you don't know me, burn one down on my behalf ^__^ Cheers! -Rice
  10. RedRice

    Movies you watched high

    I am currently watching "Totally Baked" it is pretty silly so far, heh.
  11. RedRice

    hey hey lol

    hey hey lol
  12. RedRice

    The Union

    Indeed it is a good documentary, after i watched it i was like darn i need to make my way up to canada LOL.:peace:
  13. RedRice

    Kongs Bongs? Has anyone ordered from this site before? Do you know if it is safe? Seems like a good deal, but i wanted to make sure it's alright to order from before i do so. :?:
  14. RedRice

    I was so high that I...

    I was so high last night that i ended up puking in front of my pals. LOL Epic Fail. :wall:
  15. RedRice

    Greetings from Miami, FL

    Close to dolphin mall area.
  16. RedRice

    Greetings from Miami, FL

    Thank you all for the lovely welcome :] Feel free to mssg me. I grow evergladesbud haha clever name ;]
  17. RedRice

    LOL, where are you from? Well seeing as i live in a big city the bud isn't bad at all, it's the...

    LOL, where are you from? Well seeing as i live in a big city the bud isn't bad at all, it's the contact, but once you have that then i guess you start meeting an array of people. I think the major point here is getting what you actually are asking for, hence i've had to do research to make sure...
  18. RedRice

    Your First Joint

    I was about 14 or 15 when i smoked my first joint, i was dating someone and their brother dealed certain things at that time. We were going out for a night of dancing, and they asked if i wanted to smoke and i said sure why not, and let's just say that we were at a red light and there was this...
  19. RedRice

    Greetings from Miami, FL

    :weed: 'ello, My name is Rice & i decided this is the best way to start if i am going to be a regular in the forum. So a lil something about me, I'm 21, I'm female, I'm in school for my B.A in Communication for radio broadcasting, i play drums, i love music, i enjoy video games, and just...